Part 5 He’s A Lot Like Me; Not VoodooBut Destiny - Chapter 2 - jawnslulluby21 (2024)

Chapter Text

….’In the midst of the sea of dreams lies a perfect storm
And in the sea of tears lies a city ghost
In the spirit of the Mardi Gras
Well, the people hope that their lives will get better
The people hope that their lives will get better
I wanna get a room in New Orleans
I wanna sing in the streets of the French quarter
I wanna dress up, I wanna wear beads
I wanna wear feathers and lace
I wanna brush by Anne Rice
And go on down Bourbon street
I see a sea of smiles
I see a haunted city reaching out
I see hope in all their faces
Behind the mask of Mardi Gras
Where the good and the righteous walk
And the wicked as well….’

It hadn’t been an hour since take off and there was Danny, asleep with his head against Steve’s shoulder. The slow steady breathing indicated he was deeply in slumber so Steve just read the magazines and enjoyed the smell of Danny’s hair.

This vacation was going to be epic, Steve just knew. Since he’d hatched his plan he had been counting down the days, not so much to get away although he WAS excited to be a regular tourist in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, but also to be with Danny. Alone. Steve needed some Danny time.

Even to himself, though, that sounded selfish and he did not mean it to be. He loved and adored the kids, the animals, and even the hissing possum. That wasn’t it, no, because Danny always carved out time for the two of them. But to just have Danny, free from any demands, was going to be wonderful and Steve was aiming to revel in that.

“Would you like a snack? You can choose however many you want from the basket. I also have chilled water and fresh orange juice.”

Steve looked in the basket the air hostess was holding, chose a granola bar for himself and one for Danny and followed that with two bags of wavy chips.
“Water and juice would be nice for both of us thank you,” Steve said. “I’ll wake him up.” Steve accepted the bottles of water and chilled glasses of juice. As she continued down the aisle, Steve gently shook Danny’s leg, waking the blonde.

“Wha? Are we there?” Danny asked but realized he had not been sleeping that long. “Oh. Snacks?” He spied the offerings on his tray. “Yum!”

“So I’ve been looking at stuff to do in the Big Easy,” Steve said brightly. Now that Danny was awake he might as well talk about what they could plan. “A trip on a covered wagon pulled by mules, hitting the good spots and hearing about them. Some walking tours. Guided tours to the cemeteries and old houses with history. A food tour! Want to do an Everglades airboat tour? Oh.” Their eyes met and Danny started to giggle.

“Ixnay on the airboat. Let’s avoid any chance of gators.”

“My bad. You’re right. Well, we can always go to some cool museums including a very nice World War 2 museum. I’d kind of like that.”

“Of course! I’d be honoured to go,” Danny said.

“But as of right now, we have a blank slate so we can just plan when we get there and check things out. Have I told you lately how gorgeous you are?”

“Steve, stop!” Danny blushed and opened his chips. “You’re too handsome and I love you. Now nibble on your snacks. Let’s see what we can watch.”

Lunch, a cold plate consisting of a sandwich for Steve and a salad for Danny, their meals both with cut up fruit and a muffin and banana, came around about 2 hours in to the flight. They ate, and after a quick restroom trip, Danny and Steve both took a nap; by the time they woke up, they were half hour out from touchdown.

“Oh my gosh!” Danny said, checking his watch. “We need to put our watches ahead. The time difference! I never thought of that.” He set his watch ahead and watched as Steve messed with all the bells and whistles of his TAC watch.

“I have someone who is picking us up from the airport and taking us to the hotel. It’s about a twenty minute ride so we will be there for dinner.”

“You thought of everything,” Danny said. He cuddled up to Steve and shivered slightly. The plane seemed cold to him or maybe it was because the vent above them was wide open.

“You’re cold? I have a sweater in my pack hang on!” And before Danny could tell Steve not to bother, out came the dark blue v neck sweater that Steve practically lived in at home. “Here you go.” He helped Danny slip it over his head and for good measure kissed Danny’s forehead. “Can’t have you getting chilled.”

“Thank you.” Danny sighed. He gripped Steve’s hand as the plane made its descent. They both chewed gum for their ears and as they hovered above the runway ready to set down, Danny braced himself against the landing. As the wheels hit the asphalt and the plane began to brake, he closed his eyes and squeezed Steve’s hand but before he knew it they had stopped and the pilot was thanking them for flying American.

They collected their bags and headed towards the exit where a young man wearing an Enchanted Leisure Tours tee and a black top hat stood with a glittery sign that read Danny&Steve.

“I think we found our ride,” Steve said, pointing out the driver. They walked over and Steve extended his hand. “Hi I’m Steve and this is my mate Danny.”

“Hey y’all! Did you have a good flight?”

“We did. Looks like even the airport is a happy place,” Steve said looking around. “A lot of smiles.”

“N’awlins is a great place! You’ll see. My name is Corey and I will be taking you to the Royal. That place is a grand old lady. You’ll love it there if y’all are a fan of architecture and old style. She don’t disappoint.”

They followed Corey , who had taken their luggage and placed it on a cart, out of the airport to an idling grey older Mercedes coupe. On the side of it was a magnetic sign with the Enchanted Leisure logo. He opened the back door and Danny slid in then Steve, and they waited while Corey put their bags in the trunk.

On the way to the hotel, Corey kept up a steady patter of conversation. He talked about the weather (kinda cool right now but better than hot cuz that’s when the skeeters bite); he mentioned the food (best Gumbo in the city ain’t at those fancy places but at my Grandmama’s house so we will have to have you over); to airboats (y’all wanna see them gators up close and that); and he even commented at how the drag queens would go cuckoo over Steve.
“That’s not to say you’re not a hot piece, Danny, cuz I have never in my life seen such a pretty boy like you but I’m just saying your husband would be right up their ally. Anyways, if y’all need a guide I’d be more than happy to help out.”

“I think that would be cool, Corey.” Danny glanced at Steve and mouthed ‘is that ok?’ Steve shrugged and nodded, surprised Danny would just make a decision based on their first meeting. But Corey was funny and had good manners and, Steve suspected, was probably one of those drag queens he talked about. “Consider yourself hired.”

“That’s a fact!” He grinned and beat the steering wheel in a triumphant rhythm. “Here we go. The Royal Hotel. Here are some facts about it. Hilton bought it and fixed it right up. The first recorded transaction for this property was on May 12, 1784, when Francisco Landreaux filed a claim for his part of his mother’s estate. At that time, the estimated worth was 3,000 pesos the equivalent to $169.96.
Honore Landreaux, Jr. acquired the property in 1833 and commissioned Correjoiles and Chaigneau to design a home on the site for him. It has been a residence but was turned into a hotel in the mid 70’s and completely refurbished top to bottom only a couple years ago.”

“It’s really cool!” Danny said taking in the wide balconies with the wrought iron scroll design railings. “Steve? Do we have a room facing the street?”

“We do.” Steve grinned and got out of the car then helped Danny out. A bellman was there to take their luggage inside.

“Here you go,” Steve said as he pressed a hundred dollar bill into Corey’s hand. “Could we have your card so we can call on you tomorrow? I think tonight we’re just going to chill and stroll around to find a place to eat.”

“Yes sir. My card and my cell is on the other side so y’all call me and not the office. Tomorrow I will see you early at 9 —first thing a tour of the city and then that gumbo.”

“Danny is a vegan,” Steve said.

“A what? Vegan?? “ Corey paused and his dark eyes traveled up and down Danny’s figure. “Huh. Well if you don’t mind me saying but it’s time he eats some meat.” Then he put up his hands in front of him. “But you did not hear that from me.”

“It’s a deal for tomorrow then? See you at 9.” Steve wrapped an arm around Danny’s waist and the two of them walked into the Royal.


Their room was trendy and comfortable. A big king bed was in the center, with white walls surrounding a brick wall that the headboard was against. The back windows had wooden slat shutters and there was a ceiling fan stirring the air as it turned lazily. The carpeting was soft and dark and very clean looking. In the mini fridge were complimentary bottles of water and packets of cheese and crackers. The bathroom was more than spacious, with a double sink vanity, a large tub and rain shower all done in pink and grey marble.

“Very nice,” Danny said from his position in Steve’s arms. Steve had insisted on carrying Danny over the threshold and now gently set him down on the bed. Their luggage waited on the rack by the closet. “Look Steve! We can go out on the balcony!”

“That’s really nice! We can look at all the happenings on the street. Our other choice was facing the inner courtyard with a fountain but I figured that this view was better.”

“You did well!” Danny said. “Steve, this is amazing!!”

“It is, isn’t it? Freddie and I were here in the city when we had 3 days leave from the academy. Nobody carded us. I had my first taste of absinthe. Swore I’d never drink it again.” Steve had such a far away look on his face that Danny knew he was sharing a very personal memory. He said nothing, respecting Steve’s privacy. Suddenly Steve shook his head and returned to the present. “Want to wander a bit? We could go to Jackson Square.”

“Let’s do it,” Danny said.

They started out, hand in hand, along the Main Street of the French Quarter. Everywhere you looked there was a restaurant or a bakery. Souvenir shops also dotted the street as well as tour operators.

“Why don’t we do a horse and carriage tour?” Steve suggested. He’d watched Danny look on as one passed them.

“They are expensive!” Danny said.

“Danny! We are on vacation, I have money saved up for this, and we are going to have fun. Let’s see. Here is one and the horse looks very well taken care of. Excuse me? My mate and I would like to hire you—-“

“Steve and Danny? Welcome to Nawlins!! Corey told me y’all would be running around here. Well come on! Let’s get you up there!”

Steve and Danny looked at each other and started to laugh. The carriage operator, named Davy, was a loud jolly happy man. He swung Danny up into the carriage then did the same to a very surprised Steve.

“I’ll take y’all on a little tour and afterwards we will go to a place off the beaten path to eat some good stick to your ribs food. Y’all ready?” He took off the carriage foot brake and guided his horse (named Neptune) into the street where she immediately began a happy trot.

With Davy narrating, they saw many of the landmarks that made New Orleans so iconic. Davy did not stop at any of them but went slowly enough that they were able to take photos with the digital camera Steve had received for Christmas. Danny took notes on his phone as to where he wanted to visit.

The tour ran a bit over the 60 minutes but when Steve tried to pay more, Davy just shook his head and refused to take it.
“If y’all want to come with me to put Neptune to bed with some good oats, we can then walk over to dinner.”

“Can I help? We go riding every Saturday so I’m familiar with tack and curry,” Danny asked.

“Lawd, Child, you are supposed to be on holiday with your good looking husband! But come on. I know I ain’t gonna disappoint ya.”

They walked three blocks to a rather bland looking building. Behind, It opened up to a large meadow with a fence around it.
“Come on. I’ll show you where she lives.” Davy led the way and sure enough, inside there were several roomy stalls. Neptune’s was adorned with a wood burned sign of her name and two horseshoes.

Steve and Danny helped Davy with currying and feeding and many hands made fast work. They were washing up for dinner in 30 minutes.

Davy then took them down a series of streets and turns until he stopped in front of an innocuous looking building. The faded sign above the door advertised ‘Genuine Bayou Food’ with a painting of an alligator.

“I bet you’re hungry right? Come get the best food in the city!”

The inside was completely different than the outside facade. Here was a gleaming brick floor and walls, keeping in the cool air with ceiling fans within to disperse it. Comfy chairs sat around wooden tables, all with a table runner on them and place mats. Beside each place mat was a rolled up bib.

It was though, the smell of food that made their stomachs growl. Davy escorted them over to a table and went back into the kitchen which was separated from the dining room by a big wooden door.
“What are you going to eat?” Danny asked. “There are no menus.”

“Yeah I don’t know. We will see I guess.”


Steve knew the voice and as soon as the speaker moved in front so he could see her, he almost fell off his chair.

“The same. How was your carriage ride?” She started setting silverware down in front of Danny and him. “Hi Danny. I’m Merry.”

“The lady Steve met at Panera? Hi. Are you… do you work here?” Danny looked around.

“Oh I do a little of this and that. I’ll get your first course. Be right back.”

“She seems nice. It’s crazy that she’s here where—-“

“Yes!! Crazy!!! I saw her at the airport in Seattle! She checked me out! I mean with my magazines! And now here she is! It’s crazy!!. Too crazy to be coincidence.”

“Do you think she’s stalking us?” Danny asked. “Because you know she looks the type.” Danny got serious. “Steve!? So many crazy things have happened to us. Maybe she’s just…. Watching over us. like an angel or something?”

Steve nodded slowly. Ok he really had not thought of that but what Danny said made sense. Was she an angel? Or… a guardian….

“First course, and if y’all don’t mind, I’m gonna join you,” Davy said, “gumbo. Now Steve yours is the traditional kind but Danny, yours has a sleigh full of vegetables and it ain’t spicy no no no it’s not.”

“Smells so good!” Danny said as he took a deep breath of the savoury steam.

Davy said a quick grace and before they could dig in, Merry and Corey emerged from the kitchen, carrying their bowls of soup. They sat down and everyone began to eat.

“So you are from New Orleans, Merry?” Steve asked.

“Oh I’m from everywhere. Just a nomad. But I know these two and when they invited me here I could not say no. Are you going to the club tomorrow night?”

“The club?” Steve looked confused and had just finished his amazing gumbo when Davy whisked the bowl away.

“Lafitte’s! Best and oldest drag bar in the US!!!” Corey said. “And don’t worry. We will treat this rare gem like he’s a prince.” He kissed Danny’s hand, eliciting a giggle from Danny.

“We could go, Steve. I’ve never been to one. Have you?” Danny asked then felt bad because of the flash of sadness on Steve’s face. But he recovered quickly and grinned.

“Of course we can!”

Second course was crawfish etouffee but Danny had a salad of pickled beets, lettuce, almonds, thinly sliced radish, ripe tomatoes, and homemade croutons. Steve cleaned his plate and was going to ask for more but then came another course of red beans and rice, spicy with sausage for Steve and mild without meat for Danny.

Talk around the table centered around things to do in the city. Corey and Merry insisted that Steve and Danny just let them plan their excursions because they could get them behind the scenes.

“We were avoiding the swamp because…. Well… tell them, Danny,” Steve said as he ate his oysters. Danny looked up from his spaghetti with olives and artichokes and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

“A fortune teller told me to beware of the green dragon so we aren’t going anywhere near the gators.”

“Son, ain’t nobody calls a gator a green dragon! We call them Chompy, lizards, swamp crawlers, and just plain gators but not green dragons!” Davy explained.

“I think you’ll be safe to go on the airboat. It really is exciting,” Merry said softly.

“Ok.” Danny nodded. “Let’s do it!” He glanced at Steve who was looking thoughtful. Danny reached under the table and squeezed Steve’s knee but Steve just smiled, shifted in his seat and zoned back in on the conversation.

“This meal is perfect,” Steve said. “The oysters were top shelf.”

“There are places to get them without fear of plastic pollutants,” Davy said. “But you are not done yet! Just wait and see if you like what the chef is making you tableside!”

Danny rose a bit from his chair and craned his neck. Merry had disappeared into the kitchen a few minutes earlier and now she appeared holding bowls as a very tall very dark skinned man in white wheeled a cart with a grill top and some other bowls on top.

“Chef Michael will now make his signature Bananas Foster. Chef?” Merry announced.

After the flames died down, Chef Michael presented them each with a plate of sticky dressed bananas and a syrup over ice cream. The chef pointed at Danny’s plate.

“Vegan ice cream and no alcohol.” He patted Danny on the back and encouraged everyone to eat. Steve asked him to stay so he did and soon, he was telling them the story of how he had worked his way up from a dishwasher to becoming a rather well known chef.

It was the absolute best meal either of them could remember eating but now it was over.
Danny had finished his too and was listening intently to Davy and Corey exchanging banter on makeup that wouldn’t gob when skin got sweaty.

“We will make sure nothing happens to you and Danny,” Merry said to Steve. She patted his arm and looked at her watch. “Time to get these angels back to their hotel. Come now. Take the scooters.”

Steve paid the bill, added a very good gratuity for the chef and promised to return very soon. By the time he was riding on the back of a scooter, hanging on to Corey while Danny was doing the same with Davy, he felt the whole time zone early travel kicking in and he was grateful they were back to the hotel.

“See you tomorrow as promised!”Corey said. “Sleep well!”

As Steve and Danny walked up the stairs, Steve playfully tugged on Danny’s ponytail. His hair was messy and falling away from his Brandie and he looked like he was half asleep as he trudged up the stairs.
“Did you have a good time?” Steve asked.

“It was awesome!” Danny answered. They reached the top of the second floor landing and walked up the hall to their room. Steve used the old fashioned key to open the door to their room and stepped aside so Danny could go in first.

“Let’s take showers and cuddle,” Steve said. “Are you ok?” Steve hovered behind the blonde as Danny swayed. “I got you.” Steve guided his mate over to the bed and helped him sit down.

“I just am tired, Steve, it’s all good.” Danny pressed his head against Steve’s chest. “Let’s get those showers ok?”

Cuddled into bed at last, with Danny in his arms and the faint sounds of the street echoing below them, Steve tried to sort out the whole Merry as a guardian angel of sorts. But sleep was tugging at him so he just gave in and snuggled down next to his beloved mate.

Steve dreamt of Freddie.
At the very beginning of the dream, it was the Freddie he had met and fallen in love with but by the time the dream ended, doing a sharp pivot from a dream to a nightmare, Freddie was dead and bloated and rotting.

Steve fell off the bed and woke up, ending his scream, with Danny peeking over the side of the bed looking at him with concern. Aware that he was panting as though he’d run a mile in full armor, Steve struggled to stand but there was Danny, bless him, with a steady hand, pulling Steve up on the bed.

“I’m sorry…. I… I was dreaming…”

“Shhhhh. You sit here and I’ll be right back.” Danny got up and off he went. Steve watched him go, the guilt of dreaming about someone other than Danny hitting him like a freight train. He’d thought he’d buried the memories of their leave here but apparently, like sour milk and oil, they had risen to the surface. “Ok drink some water.” Danny handed Steve a bottle of water from the mini fridge. As Steve drank, Danny wiped Steve’s face and neck with a cool wet washcloth and dried him off afterwards. “Better?”

Steve smiled. “Yes thank you and I’m so sorry.”

“Baggage, Babe. It comes along for the ride sometimes. Want to watch tv? Talk about it? Go to sleep?”

“What time is it?” Steve mumbled reaching for his watch.

“3:10. The time of dreams and nightmares.”

Steve lay back against the pillows and patted his shoulder. Danny pulled the sheet and blanket around them and nestled against Steve, stifling a yawn. Steve idly played with Danny’s hair as he talked while Danny just listened.

“There’s nothing wrong with holding on to that memory of when you and Freddie were here, Steve, and I do not want you to feel guilty. You had a great time. I’m glad your training wasn’t all crazy strict and you had an opportunity to bond over fun stuff.”

“You are very understanding,” Steve kissed Danny’s forehead.

“Yes I am and it’s because I love you. I think I’m ready to sleep some more. How about you?”

“Yeah. Morning comes quickly doesn’t it? I love you.”

“Mmmm love you too.”
Steve held on to the package under his arm as he used the old fashioned key to open the door to their room. He heard Danny in the shower, singing “Landslide’ and stopped to appreciate what a good voice Danny had. Steve liked to hear him sing but Danny was too shy to do karaoke or sing out loud when he was in front of people.

Carefully, Steve laid out their breakfast on the table on the balcony, using paper towels as place mats. He’d gone to a nearby bakery and bought warm croissants, a variety of sample jars of jams, coffee cake, and some cut up fruit. For dessert, there was a bag of warm beignets.

“What’s all this?”

Steve jumped and turned around to see Danny putting up his hair into a high pony as he walked towards the balcony.

“Breakfast. Surprise! Oh and juice, fresh squeezed,” Steve said pulling two bottles out of his cargo pants pockets.

“Steve this is lovely! Thank you!” Danny kissed Steve right on the mouth which was more than enough payment, Steve thought.

“Sit down.” Steve pulled a chair out for Danny and the blonde sat down, letting Steve fuss over him for a moment.

“Seriously. This is so nice. And we can watch the city wake up.”

“It really is something isn’t it? So I guess I should tell you that I have a secret. Actually two. The first. Hold out your right hand.” Steve waited and when Danny just looked confused, he gently tapped on the back of Danny’s right hand. “This one.”

“Smart ass I know. Ok. Here.” Danny reached across and placed his hand on Steve’s thigh. “Now what?”

“Well now you’ll see.” Steve reached into his pocket and pulled out a little velvet box that said Tiffany on it. He undid the little latch and opened it before taking out a very delicate looking interwoven ring in rose gold with pave diamonds. Steve held it up then slipped it on Danny’s ring finger.

“Steve!” Danny breathed. He held up his hand and looked at the twinkling of the diamonds and the interlocking pattern. It was so unusual and beautiful. “I don’t need another ring! I.. this is…. Is…” he began to cry.

“Shhhh no tears. And you’re wrong about not deserving it. If there’s anyone who deserves it it’s you. I love you. I want the world to know you have someone who loves you so very much! So very much.” Steve now had a lap full of Danny and they were kissing and somehow Steve had slid the bandie off Danny’s pony tail and that hair fell across both of them like a silken veil of lavender.
Steve picked Danny up and carried him into the bedroom where he reverently lay Danny on the bed and undid both of their jeans. Hands inside each others underwear, hot kisses, hips slamming against hips, mouths needy and seeking.

They were done and panting in less than 30 seconds.

“Wow! Now THAT is hot and somehow we got out pants down so no mess,” Danny teased.

“All we need to do is wash up.” Steve pulled Danny up and they walked into the bathroom hip to hip, cleaned themselves and returned to the balcony.

“I gotta do my hair again.” Danny made short work of a croissant with jam and reached for another, admiring the way his ring sparkled on his finger. “What was your second thing?”

“Huh?” Steve frowned then realized what Danny meant. “I made reservations for us at Great Wolf Lodge in Atlanta. The kids and Burke, Milly and Kono are flying in to Atlanta to meet us in Atlanta. The place is pretty awesome Danny! And I wanted to treat our babysitters.”

“What? Oh my God! Steven!!! I wanted to go there and the boys are so gonna love it! You are amazing!!!”

“I wish we had time for real sex but Corey is gonna be here at 9 and he seems like he’d be pretty prompt.”

“I still can’t get over the ring and … the trip with the boys! You are spoiling us!” Danny shook his head.

“My family. I love you all.”

“I know.” Danny gently caressed Steve’s cheek. “My handsome good hearted brave man. I don’t know what I did to deserve you. I’m so thankful you walked through that diner door.”

“Me too and…..” Steve paused. “Oh my God! Merry!!!”


“Merry! Panera was not the first place I’d seen her! I was in Homer and I asked someone.. HER… where a good place to eat would be and she recommended La Baleine. It was her!!!!! Wow. She’s been like guiding us… or something.”

“That’s so out there,” Danny agreed but shrugged. “Then again so is walking in the Spirit Realm and sea monsters and oh Steve what about Tikaani? And Pickles and Poe?? While we are in—-“

“Shhhh I got it covered. Harry is flying the family here and that includes the furry variety. You and I are going to drive a rental from here to there and pick them up at the airport.”

“Steve… I don’t.. “ Danny started to cry again which meant some hugging and consoling but time was ticking so they reluctantly broke apart, finished their food and got ready for Corey’s arrival.

Part 5 He’s A Lot Like Me; Not VoodooBut Destiny - Chapter 2 - jawnslulluby21 (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.