Season 1 Supergirl AU - Chapter 49 - ijedi (2024)

Chapter Text

Kara was flying with Alex, Lena, and Maggie across the city. She heard some of her friends notify the others about encountering with hostile Fort Rozz prisoners and Cadmus agents; others joined to help. The four women rose high in the air, looking at the city below them.

“Kara, we will find your aunt,” said Lena, smiling.

“A Super and Luthor working together to stop the feud between Supers and Luthors,” said Kara.

“After this battle is over, I am going to get drunk,” said Alex.

“Aww, Danvers, but what about a knight capturing a princess? You promised to play with me,” said Maggie, winking.

A knight? A Princess? “Maggie!” Kara exclaimed. Lena laughed, as Kara sent her freeze breath at Alex and Maggie. “You two need to cool off,”

Maggie had a good idea though; Kara could use a relaxing night with Lena, treating her future wife with all the love she deserved. Kara and others continued looking after the city, searching for any signs of either Astra or Lillian.


J’onn landed next to Jeremiah and Eliza, who were discussing some science. They have defeated a lot of enemies that night; J’onn remembered working for the DEO for many years. He succeeded in gradually turning DEO from being a twin department to Cadmus into a more respectable organization. He would miss the DEO … J’onn knew they could rebuild, and get the necessary funding, but he knew it would be hard. At least he had friends he could always work with.

“What do I see here? Two traitors to the DEO’s true purpose,” said the original Hank Henshaw, landing on the ground in front of J’onn, Jeremiah, and Eliza. “I am most especially disappointed in you, Danvers. You are a clever man, but your sentimental feelings made you soft. Cadmus could use a man of your intelligence; perhaps once Cadmus kills Supergirl and Powergirl, you would see reason and join us.”

“Never again,” said Jeremiah, pointing his gun at Cyborg Superman.

“Leave them out of it, your issue is with me,” said J’onn, taking a few steps towards Hank Henshaw.

“You are right, I feel so much stronger now. I have waited for our rematch, once I kill you, Martian, I will return to be the rightful leader of the new DEO that will work under Lillian’s leadership,” said Cyborg Superman.

“You will try,” said J’onn, flying at Henshaw. The two began fighting.


Kara was searching for Astra. She was flying across the city with Alex, Lena, and Maggie. As Kara was looking around, she heard a lot of noise. She turned her head, seeing Fort Rozz rising from the air.

“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” said Kara, as Fort Rozz continued rising in the air. It then stopped its ascension; Kara saw numerous guns appear on the surface of the spaceship, most of them pointing at the four of them.

“Um, why is Astra trying to blast us?” Maggie asked.

“Look,” said Lena, pointing at an all-familiar imp, who appeared in front of the; Mxyzptlk was sitting on a chair, eating popcorn.


“Hello once again, Kara Zor El. I really enjoyed this battle, but I guess I am missing some spicy times. I just took control over this humongous space fortress; it would be nice to see you four evade all these Kryptonian guns. I hope you succeed,” said Mxyzptlk, disappearing.

“Guns,” said Alex, as Fort Rozz began firing at the four Kryptonians. Kara tanked one blast; while it didn’t hurt her, it sent her crashing into a wall of a nearby building. Kara stood up, seeing a woman, probably in her mid-thirties, holding a baby in her arms.

“Everything will be fine, get to safety,” said Kara, jumping in the air, and flying back. A baby, she wanted to have a baby one day. There was only one person in the world who she wanted to romantically spend her life with; Kara promised herself that she was going to propose to Lena once they would end Cadmus and put an end to this feud.

Kara saw her friends dodging gun fire. She had to stop this; while Fort Rozz was unlikely to hurt her, she was concerned since Fort Rozz likely had the firepower to level the city. She would stop it; Kara would do everything in her power to protect the innocent people of this city.

Kara saw a yellow energy sphere appear around Alex, Lena, and Maggie. The three of them punched the yellow energy but were unable to escape. “Kara, it’s okay, just finish the mission. Take down this spaceship,” said Alex.

Kara flew towards the yellow sphere, putting the palm of her right hand on the energy shied. Alex smiled, doing the same on the other side of the barrier.

“How touching,” said Mxyzptlk, appearing once more. “But Kara Zor El, I would do something if I were you. That fortress over there is going to destroy the city, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Don’t worry, I placed some more energy shields; no one else can reach Fort Rozz in time.”


“Go on, show to everyone that you are a weak and entitled girl. You are no Superhero,” said Mxyzptlk. Kara glared at the laughing imp, flying towards Fort Rozz, arriving just under its lowest point. Kara wasn’t sure how tough this Kryptonian prison was; she could probably destroy it if she had enough time, but Kara couldn’t risk the prison destroying the city. No, she had to push it away in to the atmosphere.

“Kara!” Kara heard her sister scream.

“Alex, Lena, Maggie, stop Lillian,” said Kara, screaming, and using all her energy to push the fortress up; Kara screamed once more, ascending higher in the air. She never lifted anything this heavy; she felt the stress would kill her, but Kara had to save the city. She had to end this threat.

Kara kept screaming; she was amazed at herself. She kept flying higher and higher into the air. The air began to darken; she flew past the clouds, feeling the air get less concentrated with oxygen. Kara screamed once more, doing a final push, sending Fort Rozz into orbit. She was tired, so tired. Kara began closing her eyes. Was she dreaming? She was totally dreaming seeing her sister, her girlfriend, and her sister’s girlfriend fly towards her, holding her, and flying back to the city as a group. Kara vision blacked out.

When Kara opened her eyes, she lay on a pile of rubble in the city; Alex, Lena, and Maggie stood next to her. “Kara, you were so brave, my lovely Kara,” said Lena, hugging her.

“How did you all escape? I must be dreaming,” said Kara.

“You are not dreaming, Little Danvers. For some reason, once you began ascending into the air, the yellow sphere disappeared, freeing us,” said Maggie.

Mxyzptlk appeared. “You!” Kara shouted.

“Well, yes, it’s me, who else would it be?” Mxyzptlk asked. “Kara Zor El, I am not your enemy; I just wanted to have some fun. You exceeded all my expectations; you are a very strong woman. I don’t want to fight you; I just find great enjoyment seeing you all fight all these rogue aliens and Cadmus agents, protecting the city. Tell you what, once you actually win against these odds, I will remove all the enhancements I placed on all the people you fought. See you!”

Mxyzptlk disappeared. Kara was confused at his motivations, what was he even doing here? She understood what Astra wanted, she understood what Lillian wanted, but what did Mxyzptlk want? Was he really wanting to see Kara and her friends fight all these villains, rooting for her to win, despite making it more challenging for all of them?

“I need a moment,” said Kara. She felt her strength returning, but she wanted to sit. Astra and Lillian couldn’t hide forever, sooner or later they would find them, and end this feud.


Astra flew around the city, hiding in the dark corners, avoiding detection. While she felt she could defeat anyone, including all her family Kryptonians at the same time, she didn’t want to test just how long it would take for her to fight them. No, Astra has a clear mission, Astra had to defeat and kill Lillian Luthor.

Astra saw Clark and Lois fly by. She quickly flew into a dark corner, waiting for them to disappear. Her girls, her two adult girls had complicated relationships. Astra really liked both Lena and Maggie; she knew they were good people, she just felt amazed how the two future nieces in law had such xenophobic families. Her Little One was in love with the daughter of the family who led the alien hate club. Her Brave One was in love with the daughter of the now dead hom*ophobic and xenophobic asshole. Astra chuckled; she knew her girls fell in love with good women despite their families being quite evil and antagonistic to her family. Astra hoped that when her daughter would find a person she loved, he or she would come from a more boring family … who was she kidding, Kal El also fell in love with a woman, whose father was an absolute xenophobe. After she would defeat Lillian, Astra needed to make sure to check any family that were some sort of villains who had good and kindhearted children of Karen’s age. Yup, Astra would support her daughter falling in love with anyone, but she had to take precautions. Maybe she could ask Tiny Cat about this.

“We meet at last, General Astra of Krypton, Lady Inze, and a member of the pathetic House of El,” said Lillian, hovering in the air.

A member of the House of El … even with Lillian of all people saying this, warmth spread over Astra’s heart. Yes, she wasn’t technically a part of the House of El, but if Kara would acknowledge her to be a part of her family, not just being her aunt, but an aunt who shared the same house, she could even forego her plans. A tear escaped Astra’s eye. She wanted to be loved, she wanted to have a good relationship with all the members of the House of El. Astra was a General of Krypton. She was trained to make sacrifices. Yes, Astra would break her own heart; she would save this planet, even if it meant for her family to hate her. It would break her heart; Astra was willing to sacrifice her happiness to save this planet.

“Lillian Luthor, the Cadmus Director, and the chief alien hater. My name is Lady Astra Inze. I will save this planet; I will prevent Krypton’s fate to fall on this planet. But first, I will kill you, Lillian Luthor. You have been a bone in my throat for long enough, hurting numerous members of the House of El. It ends tonight,’ said Astra.

“Yes, indeed, Lady Astra Inze. It ends tonight. There will be one victor, me. I will conquer the world, and make people see that I was right. I will annihilate all the aliens on this planet. I will personally rip every other Kryptonian’s heart from their chests and turn my daughter back into human. But first, I will kill you,” said Lillian. Astra and Lillian flew at one another; their fists clashed.


Kara was flying across the city. She saw two people fighting, wait Aunt Astra was fighting Lillian Luthor? Lillian Luthor was flying and keeping up with Aunt Astra? Lillian had superpowers? Oh no.
“Look! Astra and Lillian are fighting,” said Kara, pointing at the two women exchanging punches, frequently sending the other woman at the buildings.

“They are doing so much damage to the city. We need to stop them,” said Alex.

Kara and Alex flew to Astra, trying to grab her hands, and hold her in place. Lena and Maggie flew to Lillian and did the same. And for a few precious moments, Kara felt they succeeded; she and Alex held each of Astra’s arm, three of them hovering in the air. And Lena and Maggie held Lillian in place.

“Kara, please, you must leave. I must put her out of the misery,” said Astra, struggling to fly towards Lillian.

“No, Aunt Astra, we can come up with a more peaceful resolution; you don’t have to fight her,” said Kara.

“Unhand me, child,” said Lillian to Lena.

“Mother, please. We must end this feud. Don’t you want me to be happy with the love of my life?” Lena asked.

“Foolish child. I will kill these Kryptonians, turn you human, and break your spirit. You might be a Luthor, but you never were worthy of my love. Lex was, but never you, and especially not tonight,” said Lillian. Several tears escaped Lena’s eyes.

“Kara, I don’t think I can hold Astra for much longer,” said Alex. Kara felt it too … Astra was struggling, wanting to get free.

“Lillian Luthor, stop struggling,” said Maggie.

“I am sorry, Kara, Alex. I must do this,” said Astra, throwing her arms in opposite directions, sending Kara and Alex flying in opposite directions, crashing into two buildings.

“Lena, you are in idiot. Stay out of this, you insolent child,” said Lillian, throwing her arms in different directions as well, sending Lena and Maggie flying into two different buildings.

Kara never remembered Aunt Astra to be this strong. They were Kryptonian, but Astra seemed way stronger. Mxyzptlk, damn you. Kara jumped on her feet, seeing Astra and Lillian fly at one another, throwing punches, sending each other in two opposite directions, and creating a shockwave, that shattered the windows in a whole city block.

Kara, Alex, Lena, and Maggie flew back towards Astra and Lillian. The two women were so thoroughly engaged in combat, that they ignored the group’s attempt to separate them. A few punches landed on all four women, sending them on the ground.

Aunt Astra was so much stronger. And Lillian had powers. Kara saw her friends began to arrive. She even saw Cat, Winn, Ruby, and Carter in the distance. Max, what was he doing there? And of course, he tried using his gun to shoot at both Astra and Lillian; Astra looked at his gun, turning her eyes red, sending heat vision at the gun, promptly destroying it. J’onn, still in his Martian form, was holding handcuffed Henshaw next to him.

“Hey, it was custom designed,” said Max. Lillian used this opportunity to throw a punch at Astra’s face, sending her at yet another building. Astra promptly rose up from the rubble, flying in the air, towards Lillian, before throwing a punch and kick towards her opponent.

“We must stop them. They will destroy the city,” said Clark.

Kara looked at everyone standing on the street. “Kryptonians and Martians, come with me. If we try to separate them together, we might be able to end this madness,” said Kara, seeing all her Kryptonian and Martian friends rise in the air. The group of nine people that included Karen flew towards the two fighting in the air.

Kara, Alex, Clark, J’onn, and Karen held Astra in place, while Lena, Maggie, Lois, and M’gann grabbed Lillian.

“Stop it, you two,” said Kara.

“I am so sorry, Little One. But this ends tonight,” said Astra, throwing her hands and legs in different directions, sending the five people holding her in various directions. Lillian did the same.

Kara jumped on her feet, seeing Astra and Lillian still fighting in the air. “They are way too powerful. Our combined might is not enough. Mxy, why, why have you made it this complicated?” Kara asked, looking at Clark. “We need a phantom zone projector.”

Clark nodded, flying away. He had to hurry, Kara didn’t want to lose her aunt to the Phantom Zone, not again. Kara sighed, she felt she had no other choice. Astra, Karen, Astra. A tear escaped her eye; Kara didn’t know if she could do it, if she could send Astra to the Phantom Zone, just like her mother did all these years ago. And Karen might not forgive her. Karen, Kara lost her birth parents, Karen lost her father, no, Kara would have to find another way. She couldn’t let Karen experience the same level of loss she did all these years ago.

Kara saw several large screens from various news companies show Astra and Lillian fighting. The whole world was watching their fight; with Astra and Lillian now being so much stronger than anyone else, the victor of their duel would take over the world, something Kara didn’t want to happen. She just hoped that unlike Lillian, Astra could be reasoned with.

The whole world was watching. Perhaps it was time for plan B. Or was the Phantom Zone projector Plan B, or Plan C? Kara flew to Lena. “Lena, I need your help. Let’s connect my robots to all the networks in the world. I want to stream our recording. Time for Project Supercorp.”

“Kara, are you sure it’s time?” Lena asked.

Kara nodded. “Yes,” said Kara.

“Then let’s do it,” said Lena, flying after Kara. The two women returned to CatCo, specifically to Cat’s office. Lena sat at the computer, turning it on, and connecting it to Luthor mansion. Kara remembered how Mxyzptlk broke their contact with the hologram table Winn had created, she hoped they could connect to the video recording.

While Lena was connecting the two computers, and sending the video file to the computer, Kara turned on the media equipment on the floor. She turned on numerous TVs.

“All clear,” said Lena.

“Do it,” said Kara, as Lena pressed a button. Kara then pressed several buttons on the TV screens. She and Lena had made the hologram of the city to learn who was where; now they would project this 3D video recording in the style of a prerecorded holographic 3D image to the entire world.

Kara pressed the final button. “Done,” said Kara, taking a deep breath. She hoped this idea of hers would at least partially succeed. She marveled at the ginormous images that began to appear in the city; she knew that soon the entire world would see the prerecorded message in a 3D experience, almost as if looking at a virtual reality experience, or watching a 3D movie.

An image of Kara dressed in a Supergirl suit appeared in the skies. “My name is Supergirl, one of the remaining daughters of the now destroyed planet Krypton,” said Kara’s image in her Supergirl’s costume.

An image of Lena dressed in her normal clothes, wearing glasses, and having her raven black hair in a ponytail appeared several feet away from Supergirl’s image. “My name is Lena Luthor, of the infamous family of Luthors,” said Lena’s image.

“For years, the world has seen a deadly feud. First, it started with Superman and Lex Luthor, initially best friends turned brutal enemies,” said Kara’s image.

“My brother was consumed by hatred and madness. He went mad, killing numerous people, turning sky red; Superman put an end to my brother’s reign of terror. And for years, the world considered the feud had ended with Lex’s imprisonment,” said Lena’s image.

“Several months ago, Lillian Luthor became more and more xenophobic. And even before she became an open xenophobe, wanting to kill all aliens in the world with Medusa, she tortured my other cousin, a young Astrogirl,” said Kara’s image.

“Supergirl’s maternal aunt, who also happens to be Astrogirl’s mother, used a Kryptonian technology that she designed to protect Krypton against our planet, hoping to improve the world, a noble goal, if not counting for her extreme means, of course. My mother later got her hands on another Kryptonian device,” said Lena’s image.

“My Aunt created a virus in collaboration with my father, long gone, to protect Kryptonian lives from invaders. Lillian Luthor got her hands on this technology, and tried to kill all aliens in the world, excluding Kryptonians on whom it would not work,” said Kara’s image.

“There is a lot of bad blood between our two families. Supergirl hails from the House of El, which includes her aunt,” said Lena’s image.

“While Lena hails from an extremely xenophobic family bent on world domination,” said Kara’s image.

“Our families did a lot of terrible things, although their various actions are not even remotely comparably. Regardless, our two families fought one another for years,” said Lena’s image.

“Lena is correct. But I say – ef it. I am done with all this violence; this feud is over. My name is Supergirl. Lena of House of Luthor, will you be my friend, and work with me to protect this world, using my Kryptonian powers and your intelligence and technology?” Kara’s image asked, extending her hand.

“I will happily confirm being your friend, Supergirl. The two of us will work together, helping people,” said Lena’s image, extending her hand. The two women shook their hands.
“I think this recording will give people hope,” said Kara, smiling.

“Oh Kara, my eternal ray of hope and sunshine,” said Lena, flying towards Kara, and hugging her.

“Let’s end this,” said Kara, rising in the air.

“Together,” said Lena.

“Forever,” said Kara.

“Working together in sickness and health, till death does us apart,” said Lena, biting her lip, as she looked at Kara.

Kara giggled. “No, I don’t think death could part us. I will gladly fight this “death” to be eternally with you,” said Kara, seeing love radiate from Lena’s face. The two women flew back to the street, where Astra and Lillian were standing on the street, trying to push the other woman with her hands away from her.

Kara saw Clark arrive with the Phantom Zone projector. “Hey Kara, I got it,” said Clark, throwing the projector to Kara. She had it, she had the means to put an end to all this. Kara looked at Karen, standing in the distance, watching her mother fight with Lillian. Kara knew she had the means to do it, but … Kara couldn’t do it. There had to be another way. She pointed the projector at Astra and Lillian still standing, trying to push the other away. Kara looked away. No, no, she couldn’t do it. Kara put the projector on the ground.

Kara rose in the air, flying to Astra. “Aunt Astra, the feud is over. The House of El and the House of Luthor are friends now. It’s time to put an end to this madness, and work together, by being stronger together, and make the world a better place,” said Kara.

“Oh Kara, I would love that, but … it’s too late for me. And I will not rest until Lillian Luthor dies,” said Astra as Lillian screamed, throwing a kick at Astra’s stomach. Both women were breathing hard; Kara could only imagine how much punching they exchanged recently.

“You will not win,” said Lillian, breaking the heel of her boot, revealing a hidden kryptonite shard. She then launched her hand forward, stabbing Astra in her arm. Astra screamed.

“I shouldn’t feel this pain, why did my Kryptonite protection disappear?” Astra asked, as Lillian stabbed Astra’s leg this time. Astra fell on the ground.

“I don’t know, and I don’t care. I am still more powerful than you,” said Lillian, laughing. “Third time is the charm. Time for you to die, General.”

Kara wouldn’t make it in time; she still lacked her Kryptonite shield. She froze, seeing Lillian quickly lowering her hand, holding the thick kryptonite shard, ready to slice Astra’s through. Kara heard a scream, and saw Karen grab the projector, activating it, and sending several waves at Lillian, hitting her. Lillian appeared to disintegrate. Kara knew Lillian didn’t die, but now Lillian was condemned to spend the rest of eternity in the Phantom Zone. Astra meanwhile collapsed. Kara flew towards her aunt, and caught Astra, before she hit the ground.

Kara saw Mxyzptlk appear in the sky, clapping. “Bravo, bravo, Supergirl. This was quite a spectacle. Don’t you worry, I removed all the traces of the enhancements; all the people you fought earlier have returned to normal. What a fight, good fight,” said Mxyzptlk, laughing. A popcorn box appeared in front of him; he quickly put some of it in his mouth, disappearing.


Kara smiled, seeing Aunt Astra open her eyes. They were in one of the guest bedrooms at the Luthor Estate; even guest bedrooms were larger than her entire apartment. Kara, Alex, and Karen were standing closest to Astra. Several feet behind stood Lena, Maggie, Clark, and Lois. Everyone else stood several feet further away.

“Kara,” said Astra weakly.

“Aunt Astra, you are alive! Alex treated your injuries, you might feel some pain for a bit, but it should soon disappear,’ said Kara.

“Kara, I … I was wrong, so wrong. I thought I would save the planet. I accepted my fate, I accepted having a broken heart with my family hating me, but I had to save the planet. I … I don’t deserve your kindness, Little One,” said Astra. A tear escaped her eye.

“Aunt Astra, I love you. We will get through this. We can be family again,” said Kara.

“I would like that,” said Astra smiling. “I see it now, you and Lena working together, you two can do the thing that I couldn’t anticipated. We can save the planet, but not with me ruling it, but our family working together.”

“That’s what the motto of our family is, Aunt Astra. El Mayara,” said Kara.

“The honorable motto of the House of El. I am happy you all can work together,” said Astra.

“This includes you,” said Kara.

“I am not of the House of El,” said Astra.

“On Krypton you might not have been, but here? Yes, you are, Lady Astra of the House of El,” said Kara as tears appeared on Astra’s face. Kara saw Alex smile.

“Mama, I love you,” said Karen, smiling. Kara, Alex, and Karen leaned towards Astra, and hugged her. Kara didn’t know what the future held, but they would face it together, as a family.

“I love you three, but I don’t deserve kindness. I don’t deserve redemption,” said Astra, as Cat walked towards the four of them.

“Then how about the community service?” Cat asked. What was Cat planning?

“Tiny Cat,” said Astra.

“Work for me. Protect me. Looking at the polls, I will win by a landslide in November. I would need an experienced person to be my head of security,” said Cat. “So, what do you say?”

“I … I accept,” said Astra. Kara’s face radiated with happiness.


Kara sat in the kitchen of the Luthor Estate. She and Lena woke up several hours ago; Kara decided to spend her morning flying around the estate, while Lena left to do some work at L Corp. Kara was still wearing her pajamas. Last night with Lena was … wow. She really enjoyed playing out playing out being a Kryptonian conqueror capturing the Luthor overlord. Lena had interesting ideas.

Kara looked at the TV on the wall, seeing several news headlines appear on TV.

“Super and Luthor feud has ended,” Kara read the first headline. She was glad to bring hope after the messy battle between Fort Rozz forces and Cadmus forces.

“Yo, Kar, look at your girlfriend. We fought in such an exhausting battle, and here Lena doing her power business moves,” said Alex, pointing at the second headline that appeared on TV.

Kara laughed, seeing “L Corp buys out Edge Global.” She then saw another headline about Lena. Damn, her girlfriend has been busy this morning. “CatCo and L Corp joint sponsorship to fund Super Friends.”

Kara spent months working at the DEO; for now, the agency disbanded. It appeared Cat and Lena decided to sponsor their heroics. Super Friends, Kara liked that. She saw the final headline appear on the screen. ‘Superwoman arrives in Metropolis.” Go Lois.

Kara looked at the watch. Thirty minutes past noon. Kara remembered scheduling a party at four. Good, she still had time. Her friends and family struggled so much in these months; they all deserved to have a party. But first, Kara needed to talk to Alex about a super-secret mission that concerned their family.

Season 1 Supergirl AU - Chapter 49 - ijedi (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.