Season 1 Supergirl AU - Chapter 50 - ijedi (2024)

Chapter Text

Kara smiled. She was standing in the gardens of the Luthor Estate, which soon would become Super Friends HQ. Golly, she would be moving in with Lena! Kara heard loud music; Alex and Maggie were dancing next to one another. Clark, Lois, James, Lucy, and Kelly were sitting at a table, eating. J’onn and M’gann were talking. Winn brought several computers he found in the mansion, and installed video games, playing with the kids. Kara chuckled, her cousin Karen had been sleeping very deeply last night, snoring loudly. Sam sat on a chair, reading a book. Cat was talking to Astra. Jess sat with her laptop on her lap, typing something quickly.

Jeremiah and Eliza were sitting in a corner, next to one another, hugging and kissing. Kara planned to talk to everyone at the party; she was glad she talked to Jeremiah and Eliza earlier, them telling Kara that they would help working at the DEO, Eliza helping with biology side, and Jeremiah with technology. She smiled; didn’t want to interrupt the reunited couple. Kara was glad that Max decided not to show up.

“Kara,” said Lena, arriving at the party. “Sorry, had a few meetings at L Corp. I wished I was here earlier; at least if I am all alone, I can quickly do my work and leave my office,” said Lena, approaching Kara, placing her hands around Kara’s neck, leaning towards Kara, and kissing her on the lips.

“Today is such a special day,” said Kara. Their family was enjoying their day; Kara impatiently counted minutes and hours. Once the party would be over, she would ask Lena to be with her forever.

“Yes, it is. We finally defeated Cadmus; my mother is in the Phantom Zone. Who knows what the future holds for us, but life feels good, especially today. I think today is my happiest day in like, forever,” said Lena. Oh, she had no idea. When the day would be over, Kara would make Lena the happiest woman in the world. But Lena was right, the party was good.

“Dance with me?” Kara asked, blushing. Lena smiled, as Kara put her right hand around Lena’s waist, taking Lena’s right hand with her left hand. The pair slowly danced, doing circular motions. Kara was dancing with Lena, Cadmus was over, Astra became their ally and friend, and in the evening … Kara would make Lena the happiest woman in the world; she herself felt her heart being full of puppies and kittens, who were jumping in her heart.

Alex and Maggie decided to play darts with Sam and Kelly; Kelly left her table and decided to play with the other women. Kara noticed how Maggie landed bullseye often. Kara and Lena finished dancing, approaching her cousin; the four people just finished eating their entries. Clark seemed very happy, finishing his filet mignon.

“Going back to Metropolis?” Kara asked, as she and Lena approached Clark.

“Yea,” said Clark. “Kara, I really liked visiting the National City, fighting together with you, but life in Metropolis is busy … After the party is over, Lois and I will be returning to Metropolis. We will visit in the future. Lena, look after my baby cousin.”

“Of course,” said Lena.

“Baby cousin? Oh no mister, you are the baby one. Hey Lois, do you know I changed his diapers back on Krypton,” said Kara, grinning.

“Kara,” said Clark.

“She does have a point, Clark,” said Lois.

“I am going with them,’ said Lucy. “The DEO is no more. CatCo will be experiencing major changes. A lot has happened recently. No matter how much of an evil ass my father was, he was my father. I … I need time. Besides, I wanted to spend time with my sister; both of us hated our dad, but now … Lois is my sister, and we must be there for one another. As I heard before, the House of El’s motto is Stronger Together, and I want to be together with my sister.”

“I understand. We will be happy when you visit,” said Kara.

“I am going with Lucy,” said James.

“James,” said Kara.

“Look Kara, I hate being away from CatCo, but I want to be there for Lucy. I will keep in touch; I intend to work remotely from Metropolis. You and I will talk frequently over zoom,” said James. Kara nodded.

“Stay strong. It probably is difficult for you, Lena, with your father being dead, Lex in prison, and Lillian in the Phantom Zone. But please never forget, you have family that loves you. You have Kara, you have all of us. And don’t ever doubt yourself, you are a good person, and you will be a great superhero,” said Lois. Lena smiled. Kara hugged each person at the table; the pair left to talk to others.

Kara and Lena approached J’onn. “Hey J’onn,” said Kara.

“Kara, M’gann and I … this year has been difficult. We worked tirelessly in fighting all sorts of villains. We protected and saved the city last night. I realized; I am tired. M’gann suggested for the two of us to go on a short vacation. We will be back at a moment’s notice if you need us,” said J’onn.

“J’onn and I planned to travel the world,” said M’gann. “I hope this trip helps both of us. I have been living in the city for a long time, while J’onn has worked tirelessly at the DEO. And now we just want to enjoy a vacation.”

“Send pictures,” said Kara, hugging J’onn and M’gann.

“No silly business while I am gone,” said J’onn. Kara laughed.

“We are leaving the city in capable hands,” said M’gann, first looking at Kara and then at Lena.

“When you return, would you mind sharing some Martian technology?” Lena asked.

“We will. Martians, for instance, like to use technorganic modes of transportation. We can talk about it once we return,” said J’onn.

“In the meantime, I am going to relax with J’onn. I hope to turn him from a grumpy papa bear as I heard some of his friends like to call him, into a cuddly papa bear,” said M’gann.

“Stop,” said J’onn playfully.

“Enjoy your vacation,” said Kara. She and Lena walked away, approaching Cat and Astra.

“Little One, Smart One, your former boss Tiny Cat is telling me I would have to wear some strange human uniform,” said Astra.

“You forgot glasses, Astra,” said Cat, chuckling.

“But I have perfect vision,” said Astra.

“Yeah, but … in case you ever decide to become a superhero, it would probably be a good idea for you to start wearing glasses,” said Cat.

“Kara, see what I must deal with it? Tiny Cat is already telling me what to do,” said Astra. Kara laughed.

“Wouldn’t you be a kitten?” Lena asked.

“Lena, I am Cat, not Kitten. You are grounded, young lady. Hmm, if I am the cat, aren’t you a kitten?” Cat asked Lena.

“Well, I do like cats,” said Lena.

“She is such a kitten,” said Kara, smiling. “And I like to pet this kitten, very, very much.”

“Brazen, Kiera,” said Cat, grinning.

“What? I do like Lena in that way, but no, that’s not what I meant! Golly, you need to go on a date, Cat,” said Kara.

Cat chuckled. “If someone told me a year ago that Sunny Danvers would speak to me like an equal, I would have fired them,” said Cat.

“Speaking of dates, as your new head of security, I would have to vet any person you decide to go on a date, Tiny Cat,” said Astra. “I could give all your potential dates the scary talk.”

“It’s called shovel talk. Aunt Astra, please don’t do that,” said Kara.

“I am not supposed to scare Tiny Cat’s potential suitors? Hmm, I would vet them carefully, then,” said Astra.

“We will be gone for a long time, Kara, Lena. I guess it is a goodbye, but I do intend to visit. I am still not sure how to break it to Carter that he and Karen won’t be spending time with Ruby as much time,” said Cat.

“We can just use L Corp portal technology. We can connect several locations; Kara and I can create a portal network, originating from Luthor Estate, with portals leading from the estate, it being sort of like an airport, to various locations, like L Corp or CatCo,” said Lena.

“Well, good. It would be nice to stay in touch with all of you. Carter and Karen could even stay for long periods of time at your estate, Lena,” said Cat.

“We will miss you two,” said Kara.

“Same, Little One,” said Astra. “Cat and I are going to be spending a lot of time travelling until November, I guess until January? But I will try to visit as much as I could.”

Kara and Lena walked away. Kara spotted Sam stopping playing darts, leaving Alex, Maggie, and Kelly playing the game. Sam sat on the chair at an empty table.

“Hey Sam, did you win?” Lena asked.

“Unfortunately, no. Alex told me how poor Maggie plays pool, so I figured she wouldn’t be very good at darts either, but she just destroyed the three of us,” said Sam, taking a bottle of water from the table, and taking a drink. “Lena, I know there will be changes in our lives; I was thinking, I could work remotely from the estate. I plan to help Super Friends more in future; I could help coordinate what’s happening from the computer room.”

“It’s up to you, Sam. But, you will always be welcome at my house,” said Lena, smiling.

“We will have so much fun, Sam. Do be ready for me to destroy you during our game nights,” said Kara, chuckling.

“Destroy me, huh. Kara Zor El, I know how happy you make Lena, and I am forever grateful for that. But destroy me? No. No, you will be annihilated when I buy all the good streets in Monopoly; I could always steal Lena from you and make her be on my team during charades. I don’t know the specifics, yet, Kara, but I can assure you, I will destroy you,” said Sam.

“Oh, game on,” said Kara. Lena chuckled, shaking her head.

“Take care, Sam,” said Lena. Sam waved at them, as Kara and Lena approached Winn, who was playing some group game, where Winn, Karen, Carter, and Ruby each had some fantasy character, fighting hordes of rats.

“Kara, look we are playing Vermintide. It’s such a good game,” said Winn, as the four people just finished some level in that game. “Such a fun and silly game. Kara, Lena, I am going to explore the mansion! I am going to come up with ideas on what sort of tech we can install there. But we should get a video game room. Oh, imagine, a raid full of Super Friends playing World of Warcraft together, fighting some monsters.”

“Just don’t touch my bedroom,” said Lena.

“Wouldn’t dream of,” said Winn.

“Karen, Carter, we talked to Cat and Astra, while you will be travelling to live in DC in January, Kara and I plan to create a portal network, so the two of you could visit the mansion at any time you want,” said Lena. The kids thanked Lena.

“Alright, want to go another round against these rats?” Winn asked, seeing three excited faces. “Game on.”

Kara and Lena left them playing this Vermintide game. “Miss Luthor,” said Jess, approaching them. “I will also be moving into the mansion. I will be visiting L Corp, but I can do a lot of work remotely. And with L Corp having a join sponsorship with CatCo, supporting Super Friends, I think I could help more by living at the mansion.”

“Of course, Jess. I would be happy if you stayed at the mansion, helping in whichever capacity you feel most useful,” said Lena. Jess smiled, and walked away, apparently wanting to grab a snack from a nearby table.

“Hey Kelly, James said he is moving to Metropolis, are you also moving?” Kara asked, as Kara and Lena approached Kelly, who stopped playing darts and sat on a chair. Kara saw a large suitcase by Kelly’s feet.

“Actually, I am staying. I love Jimmy, but National City is my home. Besides, I liked working with Super Friends. I will also be available to talk with any of you, if anyone wanted to discuss anything that troubled them,” said Kelly. “Also, while I served in the military before, I never was a superhero. My brother left this by my room this morning; Jimmy said his friend Winn made this suit for me.”

Kelly opened the suitcase, revealing a Guardian suit that strongly resembled the one James wore, although it has slightly different proportions. “Golly, you will be a superhero, and already have your own suit! That’s wonderful, Kelly,” said Kara.

“Thank you, Kara. I will protect citizens of the National City,” said Kelly, closing the suitcase. She waved her hand, as Kara and Lena walked away. She wanted to talk to her sister and Maggie, what were they up to?

Kara and Lena approached Alex and Maggie, who were standing next to one another. “Hey Kara, Maggie just told me great news,” said Alex.

“Hey. I just told Alex about my promotion. Starting next week, I will be a police Lieutenant,” said Maggie.

“That’s … that’s wonderful, Maggie,” said Kara, hugging her.

“You will be a great Police Lieutenant,” said Lena.

“Thank you,” said Maggie.

“I feel our lives will change a lot. I worked for the DEO for many years. Life outside of the DEO will feel strange at first. But we will make it work, together,” said Alex.

“I will be your official sponsor. And you, Alex Danvers, will be my minion, one of many minions, as I will contemplate on my diabolical plans. Maybe, I will even steal the moon!” Lena said.

“Kara, have you been watching cartoons with Lena?” Alex asked.

“Despicable Me is a great film!” Kara protested. Maggie chuckled.

“Life will be different, that’s for sure. Cat is leaving the National City; Carter and Ruby will be staying at the mansion until Cat moves into Washington. I … I will be the full owner of CatCo, having to manage everyone, and make Cat proud. Oh no, what if I fail? What if Cat thought I ruined her company?” Kara asked.

“Relax, Kara. I am sure you will do great. After all, you are my sister,” said Alex. Kara smiled.

“There will be so many changes in our lives, but I know we will conquer all our problems. We will work together. El Mayara,” said Kara. She loved her family. Lena and Maggie were family, and in the near future, the two women would officially join their family.

“Shoot,” said Lena, seeing a message appear on her phone. “I must go. Sorry to leave, apparently there is a meeting at L Corp I must attend,” said Lena. Her girlfriend was such a hardworking person.

“It’s alright, Lena. I will visit you in your office in the evening,” said Kara.

“How about nine? My day will be over, and we can talk,” said Lena. Nine pm, soon, very soon, Lena would be the happiest woman in the world.

“Alex, want to go visit our favorite bar? I could use a game of pool,” said Maggie.

“As a matter of fact, I was thinking the same. Let’s go, Mags, loser buys drinks,” said Alex, as Maggie chuckled. The two of them climbed on a motorcycle, driving away.

“See you at nine,” said Lena, walking to her car; Kara saw it drove off. Mere hours were left, soon, Kara would kiss Lena on the lips, and keep kissing her forever.


Alex won yet another game of pool. “Ye, all time champion,” said Alex, as Maggie chuckled. This was it; this was the time.

“Let me buy us drinks,” said Maggie, as Alex touched Maggie’s arm, holding her near her.

“Maggie, you mean so much to me,” said Alex.

“You too, I love you, Alex. We defeated so many villains, our love persevered my father trying to keep us apart,” said Maggie.

“Our love is strong,” said Alex, smiling. “Maggie, I love you so much, I,” Alex sat on her knee, removing a bracelet from her pocket. Her bracelet, she custom ordered a white and black bracelet that had a hint of red and blue colors as well. “Maggie Sawyer, will you marry me?”

“Alex,” said Maggie.

“Oh no, I am so sorry, I screwed up, please don’t hate me Maggie, I –”

“Alex, yes. I say yes. I just,” said Maggie, removing a bracelet of her own from the pocket. The bracelet Maggie had in her hand was a white and blue bracelet with a hint of red. Maggie got her a bracelet of her own. Wait a minute.

“Mags,” said Alex. “Yes, omg, yes, yes.”

“We wanted to propose at the same time, I guess great minds think alike,” said Maggie, as Alex put the white and black bracelet on Maggie’s hand. Maggie then put her white and blue bracelet on Alex’s hand.

“I love you, Maggie Sawyer,” said Alex, leaning towards Maggie; the two of them kissing. Alex put her hands around Maggie’s neck. They would be a family!


Kara arrived in Lena’s office promptly at nine in the evening. She wore normal clothes. Kara felt nervous. This was it, today she would make Lena very happy. “Kara, come in,” said Lena, as Kara approached Lena’s desk.

“Lena, from the day I’ve met you, I felt this attraction between the two of us. It wasn’t always easy, and it did take both of us to realize how we felt towards each other. Lena, you make me so, so happy,” said Kara.

“You make me happy, too,” said Lena, smiling. Oh, how pretty was Lena!

“Lena. I am one of the last daughters of Krypton. You are a Luthor. Our families have an ugly history. But I meant what I said when we made that recording, I meant every word. I want to ever and forever work with you, be in your partner in everything. Us working together, we can change the world. Lena, you are my friend, I love you, so, so much,” said Kara.

“You mean so much to me, Kara. When I moved to National City, I felt I would never find love. You, Kara Danvers Zor El, changed my world. You made me happy, and us working together showed that even a Super and a Luthor can be in love,” said Lena.

“The Super and Luthor feud is in the past, and I intend to keep it that way. But Lena, I thought about future, our future. Oh Rao, I love you so much. Lena Luthor,” said Kara, sitting on her knee, and retrieving a green and blue bracelet from her pocket that had a hint of white color. “Lena, will you marry me?”

Tears escaped Lena’s eyes. Lena stood up from her chair, silently retrieving a blue and red bracelet from her pocket that had a hint of yellow color. “Yes,” said Lena.

“Golly, is this for me?” Kara asked. Lena nodded. “Yes, yes, I accept!”

Kara put her green and blue bracelet on Lena’s hand. Lena then put her blue and red bracelet on Kara’s hand. “I love you, so much, Kara Danvers Zor El,” said Lena. The two women embraced.

“And I love you, Lena Luthor,” said Kara, hugging Lena tightly. She took a step back, and then leaned once again, this time bringing her lips to Lena’s. They were engaged, they marry each other in the future! Kara and Lena kissed; Kara was happy.

Season 1 Supergirl AU - Chapter 50 - ijedi (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.