Kitsune - Chapter 11 - Sukunasslu*t666 - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Chapter Text

It's been a few days since I left back home, Megumi and I had returned to campus for training and we ran into Maki and Panda. Panda looked excited to see us while Maki wasn't as rowdy which is rare for her.

Tenshi; "Oh, do you guys want to try some cookies I made?"

Thankfully this seemed to lighten Maki's mood as she grabbed two cookies for herself. Panda grabbed one and they ate them. I stood there, waiting for their reactions to my cookies. They both gasped in shock as they grinned. I grinned, so pleased that they loved them.

Tenshi: "I'm glad you guys like them!"

Maki frantically nodded her head as Megumi walked off to his spare room. We were given spare rooms for when we had to spend the night. I skipped down the hall to my room when Noroi started growling. I glanced at him confused.

Tenshi: "What's gotten into you? You were fine just this second ago."

Noroi: "There is a pervert in front of your dorm room."

Huh? I glanced at my dorm to see Yuta standing in front of my room. Huh? What is he doing there? He knows I'm not here. I walked over to him.

Tenshi: "Yuta?"

He jumped as he looked at me stunned and scared.

Yuta: "Ah! Noroi-san! Y-You're back...and so early too!"

His eyes were wide as if he was caught red-handed. Sometimes, I wish the plot didn't change, so I could know what most people were doing.

Tenshi: "It's good to see you again, but um..."

I trailed off trying to come up with the right words to say. Noroi scoffed as he narrowed his eyes at Yuta.

Noroi: "What were you doing in front of her room, when you knew she wasn't here?"

Yuta: "I um...I heard you were returning and I thought you were already here."

Noroi and I glanced at each other, knowing he was lying. No one knew Megumi and I were coming back, father made sure not to tell anyone, saying it would be a fun surprise. We looked back at him.

Tenshi: "Yeah, well..."

I trailed off, thinking of something to say to him. If there is a chance that he is becoming Yuji...I need to nip his feelings in the bud before they get bad, unlike my mother, and how she enourged Yuji.

Tenshi: "Gumi-chan was coming back and he asked no BEGGED me to come with him!"

I put on a fake sunny smile and I noticed how Yuta's hand curled into a fist. Despite that, he kept a smile plastered on his face.

Yuta: "Oh, that sounds...sweet."

I nodded my head and Noroi groaned. We looked at him confused.

Noroi: "Can you move now, human? We got to get into the room."

Yuta looked at him shocked and upset while I internally sighed in relief. Yuta stiffly nodded his head as he gave me a wave. He walked off letting me enter my room. Once inside, Noroi jumped off my shoulders and started sniffing the room. I closed the door and took the box of cookies out of my jacket. I had hidden it from Yuta, not wanting to give him some. Not to be rude, but again, I need to nip his feelings in the bud before he turns into Yuji and giving him cookies that I made...wouldn't help. I looked around my room to see that everything was just the way I left it. I hummed a song as I began to take things out of my bag and just as I was about to bend over to plug my phone charge in the outlet next to my nightstand Noroi let out a sneeze. I looked at him confused.

Tenshi: "What's up?"

Noroi: "Agh, your room REEKS of that Okkotsu brat. Did you not lock your door before you left?"

I looked at him horrified, but I tried to think. Did I lock my door before we left? Hum...oh sh*t! I looked at Noroi with wide eyes.

Tenshi: "No, I didn't!"

Noroi groaned as he went back to sniffing the room. I looked around my room, trying to see if anything was out of place, and sure enough...something was missing.

Tenshi: "Eh, Noroi?"

Noroi: "Yeah?"

Tenshi: "You remember that black ribbon I tied to my hair when Yako first changed my appearance, seven years ago, right?"

Noroi: "Yes, why?"

I turned to look at him with a look of horror.

Tenshi: "It's gone.'

He looked at me appalled and worried. He was about to open his mouth when suddenly my door swung open. We both spun around to see my Father standing there with a grin, only for the grin to disappear as he looked at me worried.

Gojo: "Sweetheart, what's wrong?"

I took in a deep breath as he walked over to me. Noroi jumped on the bed to look at us.

Tenshi; "S-Someone was in my room while I was gone, I can smell it. And the ribbon I had when you first took him in is...gone."

He looked at me startled before getting worried.

Gojo: "Can you smell who it was?"

I shook my head and Noroi looked at me irritated.

Noroi: "I understand, you don't want to be the cause of the brat's death, but he can't get away with this for long."

I glanced at him, knowing he was right. I can't let Yuta get away with this. I opened my mouth to say something when I felt someone messing with my hair. I looked up to see that my father wasn't wearing his blindfold anymore. I stared at him shocked as he smiled at me.

Gojo: "There, all better."

I nodded my head as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back as he rubbed my back.

"What's going on?"

We looked over to see Megumi standing at the doorway.

Gojo: "Someone snuck into your adopted sister's room while you two were gone! They ended up stealing her ribbon!"

Megumi frowned as he looked at my father annoyed.

Megumi: "I told you to-"

He paused as his eyes widened in horror.

Megumi: "Wait...did you just say someone snuck into her room while we were gone!?"

We nodded our heads as Megumi looked like he was going to hunt the person down and kill them. Now I don't want to tell them even more, knowing how Megumi can get, he will go after Yuta and piss off Rika!

Megumi: "I can only guess one person who would do such a thing. The same person who hurt your hand."

My father looked at him surprised before looking down at me. I tried not looking at him, knowing I would end up telling him everything. He sighed before looking over at Megumi.

Gojo: "And who might that be, Megumi?"

Megumi looked at him surprised before looking at me upset.

Megumi: "You never told Gojo-san about what Okkotsu did to your hand!?"

My father looked at Megumi surprised before looking back at me. Noroi sighed at this.

Noroi: "He would have found out sooner or later.'

He has a point. I sighed as I looked up at my father.

Tenshi: "I-I didn't want you to take back your help. I didn't want to be the reason why Yuta was killed."

They looked at me dumbfounded before Dad's eyes softened.

Gojo: "Sweetheart, don't you worry about that. I won't do anything...TOO bad."

I looked at him unsure as he looked over at Megumi.

Gojo: "Megumi...can you go TALK to Okkotsu about his behavior towards my daughter for me?"

He nodded his head before turning around and running out of the room. My father then looked back at me with a beaming smile.

Gojo: "Anyway, what I wanted to talk to you about when I came in here, you have a mission, so get ready for that!"

I looked at him surprised that I got a mission so soon of returning.

Tenshi: "Really!?"

He chuckled as he nodded his head. I cheered as I threw my arms up into the air.

Gojo: "I had wanted to tag along with you on this, but the higher-ups didn't trust it. Saying that I wasn't your babysitter and that it would be dangerous. And seeing as there was a scare amount of female sorcerers, there is a good chance you would be stuck with some snot-nosed, hormonal boy."

Tenshi: "Anyone better than Okkotsu."

My father sighed and nodded his head.

Tenshi: "Do you know when the mission is?"

Gojo: "In two days. Unfortunately, that is all I was allowed to know. The higher-ups didn't trust me with more."

I laughed, knowing they had a good reason. I have picked up most of my father's attitude, on top of that, the old farts believe I'm as dangerous as him. So they wouldn't want the two strongest immature people to work together.

Tenshi: "Not surprised. I've picked up on your attitude and the old farts wouldn't want the two strongest immature people to work together."

He laughed as he nodded his head. He then gasped as he looked at the box of cookies on my bed.

Gojo: "Aren't those the cookies you made!?"

I giggled and nodded my head. I removed the lip and held it out to my father. His eyes shined as he grabbed a cookie, but then Noroi jumped on his shoulders and ate the cookie. I stared at him shocked as my father sighed.

Gojo: "Why does the yokai like to eat my food, Nori-chan!?"

Noroi: "It's fun to see you cry like a baby."

Tenshi: "It's a hungry Yokai and he likes you."

Noroi snapped his head at me, hissing as my father started sobbing at that. He picked up another cookie and held it out to Noroi. He sniffed it before eating it. My father cheered in happiness, which made me laugh.

------------Megumi's POV------------

I stormed over to Okkotsu's room and banged on the door. I heard some shuffling around before the door opened to reveal Okkotsu, who looked as if someone just caught him red-handed. Oh, I wonder why!?

Yuta; "Ah, Fushiguro. What is it that you need?"

I glared at him trying to act brave, but the huge amount of cursed energy he was giving off was suffocating and terrifying. I'm surprised Noroi can handle this, but she is a kitsune, so naturally strong.

Megumi: "The ribbon you stole from Noroi's room, give it back."

He looked at me shocked, before frowning. I noticed how he would clench his fist as he looked at me upset.

Yuta: "I have no idea what you are talking about, Fushiguro.'

Megumi: "Cut the crap. You do remember Noroi is a fox spirit, she could smell you all over her room."

His eyes widened as he looked at me horrified. Yeah, he didn't think about that when he decided to be a perv and sneak into her room while we were gone and steal her sh*t!

Yuta: "Look um...the reason I was in there, was because...I missed her and slept in her bed!"

I stared at him disgusted that he thought that would make it any better.

Yuta: "So, I haven't seen a black ribbon so..."

I smirked, knowing I caught him. I never said what color the ribbon was. He tried to close his door but I slammed my hand on it, preventing him. He looked at me shocked and upset.

Megumi: "I never said what color the ribbon was, Okkotsu. So how would you know it was a black ribbon?"

He looked at me surprised before groaning. He walked away from the door and rummaged through his room before coming back with the ribbon. I snatched it out of his hands as I glared at him.

Megumi: "You try something like that again, Okkotsu. Gojo-san won't heastie to tell the higher-ups that he revokes his help and lets you get killed."

He gasped as he looked at me shocked. I turned around and stormed away from his room.

------------Time skip and Tenshi's POV------------

the day of my mission finally came and it was safe to say that I was nervous. I'm not used to going on missions without Megumi, so this would be my first mission without him. Soon my partner arrived and I was a lot more nervous than before because I never fought with Ino before. I have seen how he fights, but it's different when it's in real life now!

Ino: "Hey!"

He greeted me with a cheery wave.

Ino: "Takuma Ino! Nice to meet ya, you're real cute!"

I looked at him surprised as Noroi growled at him on my shoulders. The lady next to me, Nitta Akari, made furious slashing motions against her throat as she hissed at the dude.

Nitta; "She's a student!"

The man blanched as he took a huge step back away from me.

Ino: "Did I say cute? I meant...un, mute! You're mute! You should speak up more!"

I looked at him perplexed as Noroi calmed down.

Noroi: "Ah, not a pervert, good."

I glanced at Noroi confused before it hit me. Ah, he called me cute because he thought I was his age!

Tenshi: "Well, thanks for the compliment, human! I know I'm cute!"

I flipped my hair and Noroi looked at me irritated as Ino looked confused.

Ino: "Human? Wait...ah! You're that Kitsune everyone talks about!"

I laughed as I placed my hands on my hips.

Tenshi: "I see I'm quite famous!"

Ino grinned and nodded his head.

Tenshi: "Well human! you are lucky to work with the amazing Gojo Noroi! The fearsome kitsune!"

Ino looked at me even more amazed as Nitta and Noroi groaned.

Nitta: "We should get going now. Come on, get in the car. I'll debrief you with more details about the mission on the way there."

We nodded our heads as we climbed into the car. Ino was practically bouncing with excitement, and it sadly reminded me of canon Yuji. I miss that Yuji!

Nitta: "We'll be going to Bunkyo City. there has been an increase in kidnappings going on in one of the neighborhoods. All parents said the same thing, the kids went to play at this one park, but never came back."

Eh? Are we being sent out on a kidnapping case? That sounds...human.

Noroi: "A kidnapping case? Do they think it was a curse?"

Ino: "Did this all happen on the same day? The kidnappings, I mean?"

Tenshi: "Also, do we believe it's a curse? Kidnapping doesn't always mean curse, right?"

Nitta: "Yes, and yes. Around ten kids from the same neighborhood all went to the park just four days ago and have gone missing since then. We suspect that it was the act of a curse or more."

Noroi: 'Wait, suspect? So they don't know."

He has a point. How do they know it was a curse and not human trafficking?

Tenshi: "So we need to exorcise them and save the kids. Unless... they're either already dead, or we were wrong and it's not a curse and just sick f*cks."

They grimaced as they nodded their heads.

Nitta: "Let's hope they're not dead."

into: "And let's hope it's not the last part. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if it was."

We nodded our heads and it was around eight o'clock when we reached our destination. Bunkyo City, is one of Tokyo's special wards. It had looked so lively...until we reached the park. We got out of the car and Noroi sat on my shoulders. I could see a curse swimming around in the ground before disappearing from view.

Ino; "You saw that too, right?"

I nodded as I kept my eyes open for the curse, in case it tried attacking us.

Nitta: "I'll put up a curtain."

She murmured the incantation and the inky black veil fell over us as Nitta stepped out.

Ino: "That thing looked huge. I saw spikes."

He slides his mask over his face. Noroi looked at him confused.

Noroi: "Does he need that thing covering his face so his cursed technique could work?"

Tenshi: "I did too."

He hummed and nodded his head. He started walking only to stop and turn to me.

Ino: "By the way, what grade are you?"

Tenshi: "I'm a fourth-grade sorcerer."

He looked at me surprised.

Ino: "Whoa! I thought you would be a Special Grade."

Tenshi: "I requested to be a fourth grade."

He looked at me dumbfounded.

Ino: "What, why?"

Tenshi: "I wanted to EARN it, not have it handed to me."

He looked at me surprised but then grinned.

Ino: "Oh, I like you!"

I looked at him baffled and he started to freak out.

Ino: "Not like that, I swear! Your father would MURDER me if it was that way, but it's not I swear!"

I looked at him shocked but then started laughing. I opened my mouth to calm him down, but then the curse chose that time to finally reappear, emerging from the ground. It was a giant bony spike jutting out of its hunched back. It had a bulging belly and a diamond-shaped mouth that split open. Its tongue was long and thin like a spear, slithered out, ready to piece through Ino's unsuspecting back.

Tenshi: "SENPAI!"

Noroi turned into his human form and was about to slice the curse in half, but to our surprise, Ino, who didn't move an inch, grabbed the curse by its tongue. We stared at him surprised as he smirked at me.

Ino: "Let's work together, but you gotta impress me!"

He yanked the curse forward and delivered a powerful punch that caused it to fly to the side. It slammed into the swingset and I stared at him in shock.

Noroi; "Impressive for a human."

Ino: "Come on, Gojo-san! Don't let me do all the work!"

This caused me to snap out of it and nod my head. Noroi and I swung out our arms at the same time and snapped our fingers. This caused the curse to burst into blue flames, screaming in pain. Ino jumped back as he stared at the curse amazed.

Ino: "Dude, that was awesome!"

The curse screamed in pain as it managed to pierce its tongue through the flames, right at me.

Ino: "I got it!"

He sped into the air and grabbed the pointy thing before it could reach me. As if knowing he would do that, the curse retracted its tongue back and Ino suddenly shot towards the deadly flames. I gasped in fear and Noroi and I slam our hands down, causing the flames to die out, so Ino wasn't hurt. Ino kicked the curse and released its tongue. If flew back, sustained a lot of damage.

Tenshi: "Senpai! Are you okay!?"

Ino: "Yeah, I'm good! Good job canceling the technique!"

I grinned and nodded my head. We turned back to the curse to see it lying on its back and crushing a colorful climbing dome. As it tried to turn over Noroi snickered. I glanced at him confused, seeing him sneer at the curse as he covered his mouth with his sleeve.

Noroi; "Damn, look at it! Like a f*cken bug tried to flip itself over!"

I looked back at the curse and spotted something weird. It looked almost like...something was trying to break out of its massive stomach. Wait...oh sh*t!

Tenshi: "The kids are still alive!"

Noroi and Ino looked at me horrified.

Ino: "Huh!?"

Tenshi: "I saw its stomach moving like something was trying to break free! I think that's where the kidnapped kids its stomach!"

Ino: "Gross! So they're just sitting in there!?"

I nodded my head as Ino faked gagged.

Ino: "They are going to smell so bad when we get them out!"

Noroi and I looked at him baffled and irritated as he clapped his hands.

Ino: "Alright. So what's the plan? I was going to suggest we cut them out, but I'm worried we might accidentally injure them."

I nodded in agreement. We have to do something. Suddenly I felt someone place their hand on me and I glanced at Noroi as he smirked at me.

Noroi: "We can make the curse regurgitate the brats out."

I looked at him shocked. How in the world can we do that?! I looked back at Ino a little nervous.

Tenshi: "Maybe I can force it to regurgitate them out."

Ino: "And how would you do that?"

Noroi: "Choke it with my cursed energy!"

Tenshi: "Choke it with my cursed energy!"

He looked at me surprised before slapping my back lightly with a grin.

Ino: "We'll see. Try it out. I'll make sure to catch the kids."

I nodded before looking back at the curse, to see it get back on its feet only to nearly stumble to the side from the unbalanced weight. I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath, letting Noroi do his thing.

------------Noroi's POV-------------

I smirked as I held out my hand, letting my cursed energy flow through me. I then pushed my cursed energy onto the curse, allowing the disgusting thing to glow. The curse started to gurgle as I choked it with my cursed energy. I grinned, feeling delighted at this horrendous thing's misery as its stomach started to inflate before it began to gag in protest.

Ino: "It's working!"

The kid kept her eyes closed, letting this human believe she was the one doing all of this. I laughed as I forced more of my cursed energy into to curse until finally, the pressure was too much for it. It spewed everything out and created a blast of cursed energy. I could see about ten kids being shot up into the air, screaming in terror. The human hastily caught the gremlins before they could hit the ground.

Ino: "Finish it off!"

The kid snapped her eyes open as we both pointed our fingers at the curse. I grinned maliciously as I stared at the curse with glee. It stared at me terrified.

Noroi; "Dismantle!"

An invisible blade sliced through the curse like it was made out of mere paper. The human made sure to shield the gremlins from the frisly sight. Once the exorcism was done, he let out a loud whoop.

Ino: "HAH! You did it!"

The human brought his hand up in the air and I looked at it perplexed. What is he doing with his hand? Yako, do you know?

"I have no idea."

Noroi: "Kid, what is he doing with his hand?"

--------------Tenshi's POV------------

I looked at his hand with fake confusion.

Tenshi: "What...What are you doing?"

Ino: "Oh, did your father not teach you this?"

I shook my head and he grinned.

Ino: "It's called a high five. You slap my hand back."

Noroi: "Slap his hand...what is he a masoch*st?"

I internally laughed as I slapped his hand. He grinned seeming happy about that.

-------------Time skip-------------

I was sitting in my father's class waiting for him to show up. I was between Maki and Toge as Yuta sat on the other side of Panda. He seemed upset about this, but the glare Noroi would send him, made him leave me alone. Just then the door swung open and my father skipped into the room with a grin.

Gojo: "I have great news!"

Inumaki: "Tuna mayo?" (hey)

Maki: "We're getting a better teacher?"

Panda: "You finally got a girlfriend!"

Yuta: "Class is canceled!"

Tenshi: "You stopped bullying Aunt Utahime!"

My father sighed in disappointment as Noroi laughed.

Noroi; "You know full well, kid, he wouldn't stop teasing that lady!"

I internally sighed, knowing he was right.

Gojo: "You guys are terrible at guessing. No! You're all wrong! Especially you, missy! I will NEVER stop teasing Utahime, and when did she become your aunt!?"

I huffed as I crossed my arms, not answering him. He sighed as he looked back at the others.

Gojo: "Next month is the 29th Annual Kyoto Sister School Goodwill Event!"

The classroom became so quiet I could hear Noroi purring!

Gojo: "Seriously? You kids are lame!"

Panda: "Oh! I heard of that!"

Maki: "I haven't. What is it?"

Panda: "It's this competition between our school and the Kyoto school. It's pretty cool from what I heard. There are team battles and one-on-one battles. But it's only for second and third years, so I have no idea what this has to do with us."

Gojo: "Actually!"

We looked at him stunned.

Gojo: "It's usually for second and third years BUUT! First years can be permitted as long as they get an upperclassman's permission."

We looked at him astonished as Maki's jaw dropped.

Maki: 'Are you saying we were permitted to participate!?"

Gojo: "No!"

Eh? Then why the hell is he telling us?

Noroi: "Then why bother telling us about the stupid event, you damn human!?"

Maki slammed her fist into her desk and I looked at her worried that she would break it. She glared at my father pissed off.

Maki: "Then why the hell are you telling us this!?"

Gojo: "Because one of you can join!"

We looked at him dumbfounded. Wait, only one? Suddenly Noroi started laughing and I looked at him confused.

Noroi: "Oh, I think I know who it is! Just by the way the damn idiot is grinning!"

Eh? Wait...oh sh*t! It's the time Yuta went to the Exchange Event by himself! Wait...DID MY DAD DO THAT ON PURPOSE!?

Maki: "Who is it?"

Gojo: "Due to the uneven numbers, I've been tasked with selecting one of my first-year students to join the Kyoto Event next month. And that person is...the person who decided to be a pervert to my daughter and sneak into her room while she was gone and steal her things as he slept in her bed."

Suddenly Yuta shrieked as he looked at my father horrified. Noroi and I stared at him with blank stares. My father didn't outright call him out, but he sure enough did. Everyone was now looking at him as my father tightly grinned.

Gojo: "That's right! It's you, Yuta!"

I watched the color on Yuta's face drain as he stared at my father horrified.

Yuta: "What?"


She snapped her head to Yuta and glared at him as she held her blade. Yuta shrieked as he hid under his desk. My father clapped his hands, getting the attention back on him.

Gojo: "Since the Kyoto school won the last event, Yuta will be joining the second and third years over to the Kyoto campus so make sure to bring lots of souvenirs for your classmates! And good luck!"

He gave Yuta a weak thumbs up as the boy stared at him with terror. I looked at him to see him wilting and sinking haphazardly under his desk. It looked like his soul was leaving his body.

Tenshi: "I'm sure you'll do fine, Yuta."

Maki: "Don't try to cheer up the creep, Noroi!"

She wrapped her arms around me, shielding me away from Yuta. Noroi barked out a laugh as Yuta looked like he wanted to pull out his hair.

Toge: "Salmon!" (Affitmanve)

Panda: "You still get beaten up by Maki a lot, but yeah, you've gotten better. Plus, the event is still about a month away, so you've got some time to prepare."

Yuta let out a dying voice in the back of his throat but managed to plaster on a nervous smile.

Gojo: "Now that's been settled. Who here can tell me how Reverse Cursed techniques work!?"

-------------Time skip-------------

My father and I were in our normal training room, sparring against each other. Noroi was sitting near my bag, munching on some snacks my father brought for him, even though he doesn't exactly know he's the REAL Noroi. Training with him was always f*cken RUTHLESS! But it still paid off. While I might not be able to use cursed energy, I can throw a good decent punch. Not as strong as Yuji's punches, but still strong enough to take down people like f*cken Todo! I did manage to land a few hits on him but he had done that one purpose to make me feel good.

Noroi: "I'm pretty sure this is called bullying. Right, Yako?"

After about two hours of this, I was out of breath.

Gojo: "Alright, that's enough for today.'

I promptly collapsed to the ground, my limbs feeling like jelly. My father stood over me with that innocent smile as if he didn't just waste two hours of my precious time to beat me up.

Gojo: "Oh my, did I tire you out THAT much?"

I laughed as I nodded my head.

Gojo: "Here."

He offered me his hand and I reached up to grab it, ignoring the way the ache in my arm protested against it. He yanked me up to my feet and Noroi walked over to us and jumped on my shoulder.

Gojo: "You've got some good stamina. You kept going with your attacks none-stop however, your reaction time is PAINFULLY slow and you tend to get lost on what to do whenever I engage in close combat."

I grimaced at that last part but nodded in agreement.

Gojo: "We'll work on that tomorrow. For now, get some rest."

Tenshi: "Thanks, Dad."

he smiled and patted my head before I walked out of the training room, my legs feeling like they could break any moment. I got back to my room and Noroi jumped off my shoulders and landed on my bed. I got a change of clean clothes and walked over to my bathroom. I took a quick hot shower and when I finished, I walked out feeling a tad bit refreshed. Just as I was about to remove my towel, to get dressed in some pajamas, there was a knock at my door.

Tenshi: "Who is it?"

Yuta: "I-It's me, Yuta!"

I cringed as I looked at Noroi for help. In a puff of smoke, he was in human form, but this time...

Tenshi: "Yako, what-"

He held up his finger to his lips before pointing to the bathroom. I sighed as I walked back into the bathroom so I could get dressed.

------------Yako's POV------------

I sat on the kid's bed as the Okkotsu brat knocked on the door again. I scoffed as I rolled my eyes. Damn, that boy is clinging and pathetic!

Yako: "Come in."

The door opened and the boy walked inside the room. He froze as he looked at me horrified. He flung his arm out to point at me, which caused me to sneer at him. How DARE this human point at me!


I tilted my head as I smirked at the brat. He let out a growl as if he was some feral dog.

Yako: "Did you need something from the kid?"

The brat glared at me and opened his mouth to say something when the bathroom door opened and the kid walked out in her pjs. He looked at her appalled and pointed at me again, which pissed me off.

Yuta: "Noroi, who is this!?"

The kid glanced at me as I looked back at her annoyed. I pointed at the brat.

Yako: "Can I kill him, kid? He's pointing his nasty finger at me. Who knows where it's been!? Up his loose asshole!"

The brat gasped as he looked at me horrified and disgusted. The kid just sighed.

Tenshi: "Yuta, this here is, Yako. Remember, I told you that Noroi is his vessel."

I looked at her perplexed. His? When did I give her the impression that I was a male?

" Well, we never told her your gender, just your name. Plus we never did correct her."

Yako: "Because I don't care about that, Noroi!"

The humans looked at me confused. Damn, we have to fix that habit, Noroi!

Yuta: "Oh,'s nice to-"

I sneered at him and that shut him up. Good, a pest like him shouldn't be speaking to me!

Yako: "What did you want with the kid, brat?"

He started to sweat as he looked at the kid.

Yuta: "Um...Gojo-sensei put me in charge of picking up some sweets he ordered, and wanted you to accompany me."

The kid and I looked at the brat appalled. There is no way that damn sorcerer would say that, especially not after what this pervert was caught doing.

"So he lied!"

Yako: "Yes, Noroi, he lied!"

The brat looked at me shocked and upset.

Yuta: "I-I didn't lie! Gojo-sensei aid that!"

Yako: "Oh, my apologies for not believing a word you say. You're telling us, that Gojo told his daughter to leave school, to be alone with the boy that snuck into her room, and perverted on her? Ha! Don't make me laugh, pest!"

Yuta: "P-Pest!?"

Tenshi: "I don't want to sound rude, Yuta, but Yako has a pint. I don't believe my father would say that. I'll text him."

I smirked and nodded my head. Good call. the brat started to freak out at this.

Yuta: "What, don't!"

Yako: "Oh~! Why wouldn't ask her father? Are you hiding something~?"

I sneered at him and he looked at me scared. I can sense the damn Special Grade getting riled up, but with both mine and Noroi's energy, she must be too frightened to do anything. The kid pulled out her phone and texted her father. When she did that, the brat backed down.

Yuta: "I-I'm sorry, I forgot...I have something to do!"

The kid opened her mouth to say something, but the brat didn't give her time, as he ran out of the room in a hurry. She looked horrified by this, and I felt bad. She had gone through something like this with that Itadori brat, and for seven years she was free and safe, but now because that Okkotsu brat came into her life, she wasn't safe anymore.

Yako: "Don't worry kid. I'm sure your father would keep you safe."

Tenshi: "You seem to trust him now, Yako?"

Yako: "Hum...he keeps you safe, so...yeah he got our trust."

"Just don't tell the damn sorcerer that. Don't want his ego to inflate even more."

I laughed as I nodded my head.

Tenshi: "What did Noroi say?"

Yako: "Oh, nothing, just that, don't tell your father we trust him. Might make his ego even bigger."

She laughed as she nodded her head. Suddenly her phone beeped and she looked at it and let out a shaky breath.

Yako: "What is it? What did the sorcerer say?"

She walked over to me and showed me the message.

Father: "I have no idea what Okkotsu is talking about. I did order food, but I sent Megumi to go pick it up. I would NEVER tell him to pick up my food, I don't want to be infected with whatever he has and make me weird towards you, and I would NEVER have you be alone with him. If he tries something like this again...kick him in the balls!"

I sighed, I had known this was the case. That brat was lying to get the kid alone, but did he forget they wouldn't be alone? Noroi and I would have been with them. So whatever he had planned on doing to her was out the window. Let's hope he doesn't try something else.

Kitsune - Chapter 11 - Sukunasslu*t666 - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.