Wanna handcuff me, Cupcake? - CupcakePuppy (2024)

Chapter Text

“Uhg! What the f*ck is wrong with ya?!”

Vi was pushed hardly inside the jail, handcuffed on the front. She almost lost her balance and rushed to the door, holding the bars.

“You could have unhandcuffed me at least!” she growled, staring at the Sheriff.

“Why? You don’t need your hands to be freed.”

“You already took my gun, what harm do ya think I could be now?”

“I know your reputation, Vi Lane,” explained Caitlyn. “I studied your case. Seems it wasn’t the same for you.”

“Ooooh… You’re interested into me?”

The bluenette rose an eyebrow, crossing her arms.

“You got a sweet tooth for bad girls, uh?” smirked the outlaw.

“Shut the f*ck up.”

“What? So I can hear you moan? I’d gladly do so…”

Teasing and teasing and teasing. That smugged smirk never left Vi’s lips, staring at Caitlyn.

“Come on. I know you want something from me…”

“I do, yes. I want your mouth shut,” shot the Sheriff. “So I can focus on my work.”

“On me?”

“You’re not the center of the world.”

“But yet, you did researches on me. What did’cha find, Cupcake?”


“You look sweet. Bet you taste too,” answered the redette, earning a blush from the Sheriff.

“You’re a perv.”

“Only with hot women. And you’re f*cking hot, Cupcake.”

The woman bit her lip, before turning around, sitting at her desk. She grabbed papers and started reading them. Or at least, she tried. She couldn’t write anything, feeling the outlaw looking at her the entire time. Her mind was filled with weird visions of… herself and this bandit. What? No. No way! She blushed intensely, imagining what it would be to have a quickie with the red head.

“You’re red, beautiful.”

“I already told you to shut up.”

“Or what? You’re gonna gag me? You’re into that?”

“This would keep your mouth closed,” agreed the Sheriff.

“I know many others things that may do that… keep my mouth busy… and you’ll enjoy it.”

That was it! Caitlyn had enough of Vi’s arrogance. The Sheriff took the keys of the jail cell and walked with determination towards it, opening the door. She needed to make the bandit keep quiet at once.

The bluenette entered the cell, coming to the outlaw, breathing loudly. She stopped in front of her, her eyes burning, her fists clenched, while the other woman was smirking, being sure she won and made the law enforcer lose her patience.

“Hit me. Do it, Cupcake. You’re craving for it.”

“I am actually craving for something, indeed. But I won’t let myself be won over violence.”

Caitlyn seized Vi’s face and kissed her hungrily on the lips. If the bandit was surprised at first, she quickly responded to the kiss, to the point they both started a battle of tongues. f*ck. Her lips tasted so f*cking good. She didn’t want it to end, but damn they needed to breath. Panting, they looked at each other’s eyes, mouths opened.

“Will you shut up now…?” whispered the Sheriff.

“And cut off the fun? No way… We’re only starting, Cupcake…” said the outlaw.

The redette returned to a fierce kiss, biting Caitlyn’s lower lip. Her hands moved to the Sheriff’s chest, unbottonning her top, freeing her porcelain skin breasts. She couldn’t wait to take one in her hand, massaging it, playing with the nipple between her thumb and forefinger. It felt so soft… It turned her on even more, feeling it harden under her fingers’ attention. Vi took a look at them, biting her lower lip.

“f*ck… You’re so beautiful… and hot… I wanna suck ‘em,” she panted.

It was just a warning, because of course she wasn’t waiting for the bluenette’s approval. She lowered her head, sticking out her tongue, teasing now the Sheriff’s nipples with the tip of it. She couldn’t wait more and sucked it, eyes closed, focused on its taste. It felt like heaven, and even more when she heard moans coming above her, from Caitlyn’s mouth. Her voice, sexy as f*ck, send shivers down her spine. She wanted nothing more than hearing those moans again and again.

“Ah… Vi…”

“All wet, Sheriff?”

“Go check yourself, outlaw…”

“With pleasure…”

The redette’s hand traveled down the curvy chest, to her belt, unbuckling slowly, taking her time to tease the other woman. The bluenette’s pants dropped to the floor, while Vi’s fingers snaked under her panties.

“That all for me…?” she smirked, feeling her fingers coated with Caitlyn’s juices.

“You’re all bark but no bite…”

“Oh yeah? Wanna try me?”

“That’s what I’m doing,” teased the Sheriff. “But I get nothing so far…”

The outlaw’s ego was hurt. She dropped on her knees, and caught the bluenette’s panties between her teeth.

“W-What are you doing?”

“Showing ya I can bite.”

And off with the panties. Vi tore it, ruining it. But it wasn’t like it wasn’t already the case with Caitlyn’s wetness… Once again, the red head sticked out her tongue, giving one single lick on the bluenette’s lower lips, up to her cl*t.


The Sheriff’s moan grew a smirk on the bandit’s face. That taste was… perfect. So amazing it made her thirstier. She gave more licks, going so slow it was deliciously painful for the other woman. Vi buried her face deeper, flatening her tongue to taste her even more. She couldn’t get enough of it. f*ck.

She went for her cl*t, sucking on the throbbing nub, making Caitlyn scream in ecstasy. She loved it. And she definitely wanted more, grabbing firmly the outlaw’s red locks, pushing the woman closer to her. The bandit took it as an invitation and plunged her tongue inside the bluenette’s dripping c*nt, moving in circles.

“Ah…! Vi!”

This wasn’t enough. She wanted more. But how to tell her? She was panting out of pleasure, her legs shaking.

“F… f*ck…”

“Yeah, Cupcake?”

“f*ck me…”

Vi’s fingers teased Caitlyn’s entrance.

“I didn’t hear ya well…”

“f*ck me, Vi… please…”

One finger went inside the Sheriff’s puss*, but only one knuckle deep.

“S-Stop teasing me…”

“Oh I wouldn’t dare…”


The said woman sank her whole finger in the bluenette’s c*nt, starting to thrust. Soon after, she added a second finger. Moans escaped Caitlyn’s lips, eyes closed, panting and sweating. What a delicious sight. Damn…


The bandit added a third finger. She deepened and fastened her pace, but it still didn’t feel enough for the Sheriff. She felt her desire grow, as well her core starting to burn. She was close, she could feel it. As well as the red head who felt the bluenette’s walls tightened around her fingers.

With a scream, Caitlyn’s org*sm finally released, as she cumed on Vi’s fingers. Yet, she didn’t want this to stop. She grabbed the outlaw, putting her into a deep kiss, her tongue entering the bandit’s mouth, tasting herself on it.

“Again…” she gasped. “I want more…”

“Hungry, are we?”

“I know you can handle it…”

“You flatter my ego, Cupcake.”

“I made researches on you… You have a high stamina. Put it to work.”

“Bossy…” chuckled Vi. “I love it.”

“You’ve seen nothing, Vi…”

“Show me…”

“Sit down. Now.”

No need to tell her twice. The redette sat down on the desk chair, the Sheriff unbottoning her shirt and undoing her belt. She tore off Vi’s pants, along with her underwear.

“f*ck. Cupcake, you’re that eager?”

“I want you. And I want to ride you.”

“Sorry to disappoint you, beautiful, but I don’t have a co*ck.”

“Not yet.”


With a smirk, the Sheriff opened her drawer with a key, taking off a sex toy and straps. Vi’s jaw dropped. What the f*ck? How did this woman had that? And why? This was f*cking surprising…

“What the…”

“I told you, Vi. I want you.”

“Don’t tell me you planned this…” whispered the outlaw.

“No. I didn’t. But I was after you for weeks. When I first saw your face, the only thing I wanted was to be f*cked hard by you,” admitted the Sheriff. “Today was my opportunity. I couldn’t miss it.”

The bandit knew she was outstanding enough to make women fall for her, giving them wet dreams, and that prostitutes were easy for her to get, so much she could even had them for free. But a Sheriff? She wouldn’t have dreamt of this… Of course, she also wanted to f*ck her since the day she laid her eyes on this hot Cupcake. But to think it would happen for real? Was she dead? Did the bluenette shot her in the dead, killing her right away?

Seems not. She watched the other woman putting the straps on her, making sure it was tied up enough to not fall. It was a delightful sight… seeing the law enforcer kneeling in front of her, strapping her with a fake co*ck she was going to ride. She had to admit it looked well on herself. Oh she was so going to enjoy f*cking this delicious Cupcake…

Caitlyn freed Vi from the handcuffs, before straddling her, gridding on the sex toy, grasping on Vi’s shoulders. Her hand went down her chiseled torso, biting her lower lip at the feeling and the view.

“You like what you see?”

“So much…” sighed the bluenette. “Now… just… let me…” She grabbed the co*ck with her hand, lifting just enough to rub the tip against her wet entrance, aligning them.

“You wanna ride me that bad, uh, Sheriff?”

“Yes… f*ck… Keep still… and…”

Caitlyn lowered herself on the shaft, moaning, a tear escaping her eye, running down her cheek.


“I’m… I’m fine… I just need to… adjust…”

She rose slowly before dropping herself down on Vi’s fake co*ck. f*ck. It felt so good. The Sheriff started to ride the outlaw’s dick, faster and faster. She couldn’t stop her sounds of pleasure, letting them escape her throat, her arms around the bandit’s neck. She loved it. Riding the woman was overwhelming. She wanted her to go deeper, to f*ck her into bliss. Maybe the only thing she’ll get will be this wild ride. But at least, she would have been able to be f*cked by Vi. The thought of having her inside of her made her moan louder.

The wet sex sounds filled the room, Caitlyn’s ass meeting Vi’s tights, flesh against flesh. The redette took in the lustful scene in front of her. This hot woman, riding her… f*ck, it turned her on even more. Her hand grabbed the Sheriff’s hips, the other on her back to help her keep her balance. She took in this grip to thrust into the bluenette, lifting her hips, to go deeper. She went as deep as possible into her, not letting one inch of the co*ck being out of this delicious puss*.

“AH! Vi!”

Once she got used to this new pace, Caitlyn leaned in, catching Vi’s lips into a mouth-opened kiss. The two women didn’t let the other one flee, until they were both out of breath, panting.

“I love when you scream my name…” said the outlaw, co*cky.

After she said that, the Sheriff kept saying her name, with each thrust, like a prayer.

“Vi… Vi… I’m… I’m close…”

“Cum on my co*ck, Caitlyn…”

Her real name did it for the bluenette, her org*sm hitting her. She clenched on the fake dick, her tights shaking and her toes curling. The bandit could feel ther Sheriff’s juices dripping on her skin.

“You want more hm?” said Vi, licking Caitlyn’s cheek. “Just say it… I know you do…”

“Y-Yes… Please…”

“Good girl. Go to the desk. Bend over it. I’m gonna f*ck you from behind.”

The Sheriff bit her lower lip, an electric shot of pleasure from Vi being bossy down to her core. She lifted herself from the shaft, moaning. She already felt empty, way too much. The longer she would go to the desk, the longer she’ll have to wait to be once again filled by Vi’s co*ck. She opened her legs, showing her puss*, ready.

The outlaw licked her lips at the view, going behind Caitlyn. She teased her entrance, rubbing the co*ck on the other woman’s entrance, but not going inside one bit.

“Stop teasing…” panted the law enforcer.

“Beg me…”

“f*ck me. f*ck me now. I need it.”

“How much?”

“I beg you, Vi! I need your co*ck to f*ck my puss*! Now!”

With one push, the bandit entered the Sheriff’s c*nt, almost balls in. If she had litteral balls… Well, it wasn’t that bad, at least she could feel more of the bluenette’s skin on hers. She started a quick pace, having no intention to let the other woman breath. She banged her deep and hard, groaning her pleasure. She loved the sight… Caitlyn’s ass up, her mouth opened and moaning.

“Good girl… You’re taking me so well… I can hear your puss* dripping. I can feel it on my tights. You wanted me that bad uh? You were craving for my co*ck, didn’t ya?”

“Y-Yes!” panted the Sheriff.

“Say it. Say it with your words.”

“I wanted… no… I… I needed… you to f*ck me… I needed you… to ravage me…”


“Because… Because… I don’t know… I just… needed it…”

“I’ll tell you why you needed me to f*ck your puss*. Because you’re a whor*. MY whor*. Hear me? No one gets to f*ck you from now on. Only ME. You’re mine, Cupcake. And nobody else than me owns this fine puss*. Only MY co*ck gets to f*ck you.”

“Yes! Yes, Vi! I’m yours! Please! f*ck me harder!”

The bandit leaned in, grabbing the bluenette’s hair with a firm grasp, breathing in her ear. The desk was moving inch by inch with each intense thrust, causing the Sheriff to yell her pleasure, eyes half closed. She could feel the co*ck hitting her cervix, which made her jump and arch her back. This movement didn’t go unnoticed by the redette.

“Oh? Like this?”

She did again the same move, reaching Caitlyn’s cervix each time. High pitched moans escaped her mouth. Her hands were gripping her desk. Her legs were trembling and feeling like jelly. She was so close to her org*sm.

But soon, she felt empty.

“W-Why…?!” screamed the Sheriff, frustrated.

“Turn around, Cupcake. I wanna see your face when you cum.”

And with those words, she couldn’t be mad at Vi anymore. She followed the outlaw’s gestures, lying on her back, on her desk, opening her legs again, welcoming the bandit’s dick. She was rewarded because she didn’t have to wait long before feeling the outlaw’s shaft inside her, pouding her roughly.

The redette went back to her pace, licking her lips, watching the bluenette arching again. Her eyes wandered on this beautiful hot body underneath her. Those beautiful jugs bouncing with each thrust. She wanted to mark them, so the Sheriff could never forget she belonged to the bandit.

“f*ck… You’re so sexy… I could bang you whole day long…”

“Is that… ah! …a promise?”

“Why not?”

“Do it… Do it please… hn! Oh Vi…! f*ck me every day! Please! Vi!”

The outlaw took the bluenette’s tit* in her hands, squeezing them. She loved the feeling under her fingers… and it was even better when she played with the nipples.

“Ah… Vi!”

“You like when I play with your jugs eh? Lemme give ya more then…”

The only thing the bandit needed was a sign from Caitlyn to use her mouth and her tongue. She got it, when the other woman nodded eagerly. She leaned, closing her lips on the Sheriff’s breast, sucking her nipple. She flattened her tongue, playing with the hard nub.

“Mmmh… so tasty…”

Vi sucked on Caitlyn’s tit*, leaving hickeys all over them. She caught the border of the desk, fastening her thrusts, pounding the law enforcer even deeper.

“Aaah! Vi! Yes! Harder!”

The Sheriff’s skin, words, moans, everything about her was so delicious. She couldn’t get enough of her. Why not giving her something else for their final round for today? And what would be better than playing with her cl*t?

The outlaw’s fingers toyed one last time with those jugs bouncing in front of her eyes, before sliding between the bluenette’s legs. She quickly found her little nub, all sticky from the juices. She rubbed it, teasing it at first, circling it before pinching it slightly. She was rewarded by a high pitched moan from Caitlyn. But no more time for tormenting. Vi played with her thumb, sending jolts of pleasure directly into the Sheriff’s core. With all this stimulation, she wasn’t going to last long…

“I’m… I’m close… so close… hn!”

Chanting Vi’s name, the bluenette cummed all over the bandit’s co*ck. She was panting heavily, her body shaking from waves of pleasure.


“Name’s Vi. But you can call me God.”

“You’re impossible…” chuckled the Sheriff.

Caitlyn brought her into a deep kiss, her hands on the redette’s cheeks, her fingers slowly going to play with her red locks. Their tongues were fighting for dominance, leaving them breathless when they stopped kissing.

“But that was the best sex I’ve ever had…”

“Really, Cupcake?”


“Wanna know something?” asked the outlaw.

“Tell me?”

“Same for me.”

“You mean…” the Sheriff had her eyes wide open.

“Yeah. Best sex also. So don’t ya think you’ll escape me.”

“I wouldn’t even try…” smiled the bluenette.

They kissed again, less hungrily this time.

“So… hm… Can we… meet again? And do it again?” proposed Caitlyn.

“Sure thing, Cupcake. But am not gonna come in daylight.”

“I know, I know. You have a reputation to save.”

“Ya got it. But I won’t let ya sleep in a cold bed from now on.”

“I hope you always keep your promises.”


“I can’t wait for tonight…”

“No need to… Don’t ya feel good with my co*ck inside ya?”

“I do, Vi… I deeply do…”

“Want another round?” smirked the bandit.

“With you? Always…” Caitlyn whispered, her lips brushing Vi’s.

Wanna handcuff me, Cupcake? - CupcakePuppy (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Last Updated:

Views: 5955

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.