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General· Web viewIB History - Scheme of Work Examination in May 2014 General Information There are three parts - [DOCX Document] (1)

IB History - Scheme of WorkExamination in May 2014

General Information

There are three parts to this course as shown below:

Core: Prescribed subject 2: Arab-Israeli conflict, 1945-79. Paper 1 (source analysis). Core: Topics: Topic 3 – Single-Party/Authoritarian States; Topic 3 – Cold War. Paper 2 (two essays). HL Extension: Aspects of the History of the Americas (Post WW11). Paper 3 (three essays).

No one textbook will be used for this course, but you will be expected to read a wide range of books. The list of books that may be used are indicated fully on the last page of this outline, and relevant page references have been included in the margin against the name of the author (s). Overall SectionsThe following topics will be covered over the next two years.

Introduction to IB HistoryHistorical terminology, methodology and historiography

Core Topic 3: Authoritarian & Single-Party States

Paper 2Essays

(Topic 3)

Year 1 Rise & rule of the single-party state in Germany - HitlerYear 1 Rise & rule of the single-party state in China - MaoYear 1 Rise & rule of the single-party state in Cuba – Castro Year 2 Rise & rule of the authoritarian state in Argentina - Perón

Core Topic 5: Cold War

Paper 2Essays

(Topic 5)

HL– Paper 3

Year 1 Origins & early development of Cold War, 1945-50Year 1 Confrontation, 1950-69Year 1 DétenteYear 1 Second Cold War & collapse of USSRYear 2 Cold War & the Americas (US, Cuba, Chile & region)

Core Prescribed Subject 2: Arab-Israeli conflict, 1945-79

Paper 1Source analysis

Year 2 From British Mandate to State of Israel & War of 1948-49Year 2 Suez Crisis of 1956Year 2 Pan-Arabism and Zionism; Emergence of PLO Year 2 Six Day War of 1967 & Yom Kippur War of 1973Year 2 Road to Camp David & Egyptian-Israeli Peace Agreement

HL only HL Option: Aspects of the History of the Americas

Paper 3Essays

Year 1 Political developments in the Americas, 1945-79 - Castro Year 2 Political developments in the Americas, 1930-54 - VargasYear 2 Political developments in the Americas, 1945-79 - PerónYear 2 Political developments in the Americas, 1945-79 - USYear 2 Civil Rights and Social MovementsYear 2 Cold War and the Americas, 1945-81 (overlaps with Core)Year 2 Into the 21st Century from the 1980s to 2000

Internal AssessmentHL & SL Topic of own choice: 1500 – 2000 words

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Weeks IB History Scheme of Work – Year 1Fall Term

begins Tues. 21st August

Weeks 1-4(4 weeks)

Cannon, et al, 325-367

Mimmack et al, pp1-3

DVD series: Nazis – A Warning From History Layton, 1-84, 100-121

Hite & Hinton, 8-18, 25-32, 71-76, 131-150

Layton, 85-99,122-143

Hite & Hinton, 51-55, 112-127, 153-160

Layton, 122-156, 226-244

Hite & Hinton, 162-172, 184-185, 358

The Rise and Rule of the Single-Party State in Germany (Hitler)

1) Origins and nature of authoritarian and single-party states Definitions & terminology: right-wing v. left-wing; fascism; bolshevism; authoritarian;

totalitarian; distinction between domestic & foreign policy; meaning of historiography Conditions that produced the authoritarian and single-party state in Germany, 1918-1933

- long-terms problems of the Weimar Republic- early problems & threats, 1919-23: resentment of Treaty of Versailles; threats

from left & right; economic problems; flaws of Weimar constitution- ‘Best years of Weimar’, 1924-29: evaluation of Germany’s economic, social,

cultural and political progress; Stresemann’s achievements- Wall Street Crash, 1929 – economic & political impact- breakdown of democratic government 1930-32 – Article 48, von Hindenburg,

Brüning, von Schleicher, von Papen and rule by decree Emergence of Adolf Hitler as leader of the Nazi Party/Germany:

- aims & tactics – ‘drummer’ of revolution to Führerprinzip/‘Legal Revolution’ - ideology – Twenty-Five Points, Mein Kampf, Zweites Buch – anti-semitism,

Social Darwinism, Pan-Germanism, lebensraum, anti-democracy/Führerprinzip- supporters of Nazi Party: members/voters – who and why?

Totalitarianism: the aim and the extent to which it was achieved- from chancellor to dictator, 1933-34 – Enabling Act, Night of Long Knives,

death of Hindenburg- Gleichschaltung – civil service, army & Blomberg-Fritsch affair

Personal Development Week 2012 (Friday 14th – Monday 24th September)Weeks 6-8(3 weeks)

Layton, 122-156

Hite & Hinton, 173-181, 184-209

Layton, 190-198

Hite & Hinton, 317-343, 308-315

Layton, 157-191

Hite & Hinton, 212—215, 238-239, 359 -367

Layton, 192-211

Hite & Hinton, 245-274, 277, 280-285, 293-303, 308-314

2) Establishment of authoritarian and single party states Methods: force, legal

- features of terror state: concentration camps, Gestapo, SD, SS, People’s Court Structure of government & administration, ideology

- personal role of Hitler – Führerprinzip and the ‘Hitler myth’- ‘intentionalists’ v. ‘structuralists’ interpretations – Hitler a ‘weak’ or ‘strong’

dictator?; ‘working towards the Fuhrer’- Dualism: traditional & Nazi institutions – civil service, Reich Chancellory,

courts, local government, Foreign Office, army- radicalisation of party during war

Nature, extent and treatment of opposition- the Churches: Pastor Niemöller’s opposition to single Reich Church; Catholic

protests over crucifixes; Cardinal von Galen’s protest against euthanasia program- opposition from within army – Ludwig Beck & Sudeten crisis- opposition after 1939 – White Rose; Kreisau Circle; why opposition limited

3) Domestic policies and impact Political, economic, social and religious policies

- Nazi economic policy – autarky, deficit financing, wehrwirtschaft- Volksgemeinschaft – to what extent achieved?

Role of education, the arts, the media, propaganda Status of women, treatment of religious groups and minorities

- ‘kinder, kuche. kirche’ – to what extent achieved 1933-39, 1939-45?- the relationship between Church & state – collaboration or resistance?- ‘asocials’, the disabled, Jews (changes in anti-semitism 1933-39, 1939-45)

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Half-Term Break 2012 (Friday 12th – Wednesday 24th October)

Weeks 10-16 (7 weeks)

DVD series: China: A Century of Revolution

Lynch, 1900-49, 1-69, 97-151

Mimmack et al, 142-187

Spence, 271-488

Lynch, 1900-49, 70-96

Spence, 385-409, 441-458, 466-473

Lynch, 1949-76,

Spence, 489-498, 544-586

Lynch, 1949-76

Spence, 544-586

Lynch, 1949-76

Spence, 489-617

The Rise and Rule of the Single-Party State in China (Mao)

1) Origins and nature of authoritarian and single-party states Definitions & terminology: Marxism-Leninism, soviets, communes, Maoism, Conditions that produced the authoritarian and single-party state in China, 1912-1949

- long-term weaknesses of central government prior to 1949 – foreign intervention; widespread peasant poverty; inability to control provinces

- early years following collapse of Qing Dynasty – Revolution 1911-12; Three Principles of Sun Yat-sen; Yuan Shikai, 1912-16; warlord era 1916-27; May Fourth Movement 1919; CCP founded 1921

- cooperation & conflict between GMD & CCP – First United Front 1923; Comintern & Soviet influence; Northern Expedition 1926-27; White Terror 1927

- Nanjing Decade 1927-37 – strengths & weaknesses of GMD- Chiang Kai-shek & Xian Incident 1936; Second United Front- war against Japan 1937-45 ; GMD v. CCP - Civil War 1946-49 – weaknesses of GMD; strengths of CCP

Emergence of Mao Zedong as leader of the CCP: - aims & tactics – Mao as a revolutionary 1911-27; disputes with 28 Bolsheviks;

Mao at Jiangxi Soviet 1927-34; Zhu De & Red Army; Long March 1934-35; Zunyi conference 1935 /opposition to Otto Braun (Li De); Yanan Soviet 1935-45

- ideology of Mao Zedong Thought – sinifying the revolution; On New Democracy; Mass Line; continuous and worldwide revolution; rectification

- supporters of CCP: cadres/peasants/women Totalitarianism: the aim and the extent to which it was achieved

- consolidation of Communist authority, 1949-57 – political control; reunification campaigns; purges; enforcing conformity

- Great Leap forward & reasons for the famine; Lushan Conference 1959; downfall of Peng Dehaui; Mao retires to the ‘second front’

- rise of Lin Biao; cult of Mao; Red Guards; Cultural Revolution 1966-76

2) Establishment of authoritarian and single party states Methods: force, legal

- mass movement, thought reform and social reform; Land Reform 1950 followed by collectivisation; use of People’s Liberation Army (PLA)

Structure of government & administration, ideology- structure of PRC, role of Politburo, democratic centralism, role of PLA

Nature, extent and treatment of opposition- landlords, rich peasants, reactionaries, ‘bad elements’, ‘rightists’- purges & self-criticism, e.g. of Deng Xiaoping & Liu Shaoqi; Red Guard terror

3) Domestic policies and impact Political, economic, social and religious policies

- National Capitalism 1949-52 – consolidation and recovery- Hundred Flowers campaign 1957, collectivisation & Great Leap Forward 1958 - economy recovery under Liu Shaoqi & Deng Xiaoping - Cultural Revolution; rise and fall of Lin Biao- return of Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping

Role of education, the arts, the media, propaganda- literacy & health campaigns; Socialist Education Movement; cult of Mao; attack

on ‘four olds’; Jiang Qing & rise of Gang of Four Status of women, treatment of religious groups and minorities

- Marriage Reform Law 1950; impact of collectivisation on women; enduring traditions for women and family

- purge of landlords and counterrevolutionaries; attacks on religion & Confucius; Laogai prison camps; ‘cleansing the class ranks’; Tibet

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Examination Week – December 2012Christmas Break (Friday 14th December – Monday 7th January) – 3 weeks

Winter term begins Mon. 7th January

Weeks 21-25(5 weeks)

DVD: CNN Cold War – Comrades 1917-45

Rogers/Thomas, 1-26

Gaddis, 3-34, 83-118

McCauley, Origins of Cold War.

McCauley, Russia, America & Cold War

Rogers/Thomas, 27-42, Cannon, 451-504

Rogers & Thomas, 43-103, 72-80Gaddis, 34-82Bragg

Cold War (Core Topic) - also part of HL extension topic Cold War & the Americas, 1945-81

1) Origins of the Cold War Ideological differences

- communism v. capitalism; Bolshevik Revolution 1917; liberalism; FDR’s ‘open door policy’ e.g. Bretton Woods Agreement; national self-determination

- military, economic & political reasons for emergence of two superpowers- post-war aims of Big Three – USSR (& personal role of Stalin), US, UK

Mutual suspicion and fear- issue of ‘second front’ during WW11; Katyn massacre; Warsaw Uprising 1944- wartime conferences & breakdown of Grand Alliance: Tehran 1943; Yalta 1945;

Potsdam 1945 – state of war, war against Japan, Germany, status of Eastern Europe & especially Poland , UN, the atomic bomb

From wartime allies to post-war enemies- coalition governments & ‘salami’ tactics in Eastern Europe; Soviet pressure on

Iran; instability in Greece & Turkey; communist parties in Italy & France- Kennan’s Long Telegram & Churchill’s Iron Curtain Speech 1946

2) Nature of the Cold War Ideological opposition

- Truman Doctrine & Marshall Plan 1947; Stalin’s response to ‘dollar imperialism’ Superpowers and spheres of influence

- Stalin’s Two Camps’ Doctrine; COMECON & Cominform 1949; Red Army occupation of Eastern Europe; Czechoslovakian Coup; Berlin Blockade

Alliances and diplomacy in the Cold War- division of Germany; NATO v. Warsaw Pact; atomic diplomacy

Historiography on origins- orthodox, revisionist, post-revisionist, post-Cold War (or ‘new history’)- ‘balance of power’ v. ideology debate; ‘spheres of influence’; ‘realpolitik’

3) Development and impact of the Cold War Global spread of the Cold War from its European origins

- ‘loss’ of China; NSC-68 report; Korean War; Japan, Taiwan, China & Vietnam Cold War policies of containment, brinkmanship, peaceful coexistence

- Eisenhower & Dulles in US – ‘liberation roll-back; ‘brinkmanship’, ‘massive retaliation’, ‘New Look’; CIA; Quemoy & Matsu 1954 & 1958; Hungary 1956; Suez 1956; arms control & ‘open skies’; summit meetings

- Khrushchev & peaceful coexistence; Austrian State Treaty; U-2 Incident; Berlin- JFK’s ‘flexible response’; CIA; counter-insurgency; Peace Corps; Alliance for

Progress; NASA & space program; Berlin Wall 1961; Cuban Revolution 1959; Bay of Pigs; Cuban Missile Crisis 1962; Vietnam & assassination of Diem 1963

- LBJ and escalation of Vietnam War 1964-68; Nixon Doctrine, ‘Vietnamization’ & ‘peace with honor’; widening of conflict to Laos & Cambodia

Ski Week (February Friday 8th – Monday 18th)Cold War - continued

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Weeks 27-33(7 weeks)

Rogers & Thomas, 163-187

Rogers &Thomas, 163-187, 188-195

Rogers & Thomas, 112-139, 196-225Gaddis, 119-155

Rogers &Thomas, 104-111, 140-162, 205-208

Gaddis, 195-236

Rogers &Thomas, 196-225

Gaddis, 195-266

DVD: CNN Cold War – all episodes relevant

to unit

4) Coexistence, détente Role of the United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement

- origins, principles & structure of UN; impact of Cold War on UN- UN role in Korea 1950; Suez 1956; Hungarian Uprising 1956; Congo 1960 - impact on UN of: détente 1968-79; second Cold War in 1980s ; end of Cold War- decolonization & Cold War; origins, aims, growth & decline of NAM

Role and significance of leaders- Sino-Soviet relations – Stalin & Mao; Mao, Khrushchev & the ‘split’- hostile Sino-US relations over Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam; détente, Nixon & Mao- reasons for détente between US & USSR; collapse of détente- emergence of autonomy – role of Syngman Rhee, Kim Il-sung, Chiang Kai-shek,

Diem, Adenauer, Ulbricht, Diem; Brandt & Ostpolitik- leaders of Non-Aligned Movement, e.g. Nasser, Tito, Nehru, Mao, Zhou Enlai

Arms race, proliferation and limitation- Truman & NSC-68; Eisenhower’s ‘massive retaliation’; JFK’s ‘flexible

response’ & ‘counterforce strategy’; MAD; role of conventional weapons; détente & SALT; Brezhnev Doctrine, Carter Doctrine & Afghanistan

Social, cultural and economic impact

5) End of the Cold War Break-up of Soviet Union: internal problems and external pressures

- challenges to Soviet control – Tito’s Yugoslavia, East Germany 1953, Hungary 1956; Czechoslovakia 1968; Poland 1956, late 1970s & 1980s

- Khrushchev’s Secret Speech 1956 & de-Stalinisation- role of Soviet economy over long-term; impact of Gorbachev- American response to Afghanistan; Reagan & the second Cold War

Breakdown of Soviet control over Central and Eastern Europe- Solidarity & Poland; events in East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania

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Easter Break 2012 (March Friday 22nd – Monday April 8th) – 2 weeksSpring Term begins Mon.

8th April

Weeks 37-41(5 weeks)

Williamson, 436-458

DVD: Castro the Survivor

Rogers & Thomas, 92-103

Mimmack et al, 53-96

Rise and Rule of the Single-Party State in Castro’s Cuba (Core) Political Developments in the Americas – Cuban Revolution (HL)

1) Origins and nature of authoritarian and single-party states Conditions that produced the authoritarian and single-party state in Cuba, 1959 to present

- Monroe Doctrine & the ‘Roosevelt Corollary’; Cuban independence & Platt Amendment; monoculture economy & economic dependency; corruption

- rule of Batista 1952-59; parties in opposition - Autentico, Ortodoxo, PSP Emergence of Fidel Castro as leader of Cuban Revolution:

- Moncada assault 1953 & birth of 26th of July Movement; legend of Jose Marti- Granma expedition 1956; Sierra Maestra 1956-59 & guerrilla warfare- extent to which Bastista contributed to success of revolution

Totalitarianism: the aim and the extent to which it was achieved- consolidation of power 1959-62 – Cuban Communist Party assumes power - reforms of 1959-62 – expropriated land organised into cooperatives- US- Cuban relations - Bay of Pigs, missile crisis & commitment to revolution

2) Establishment of authoritarian and single party states Methods: force, legal

- land, health & education reforms; nationalisation of foreign assets- elections abandoned; batistianos & liberals expelled from government

Structure of government & administration, ideology- debate on whether Castro had always intended to align revolution with Marxism- Che Guevara’s ‘new man’; ‘socialist emulation’; Soviet influence- 1976 constitution – elections but only PCC candidates

Nature, extent and treatment of opposition- Huber Matos & Camildo Cienfuegos; Padilla affair 1971; UMAP labour camps- asylum seekers at Peruvian embassy & Mariel boatlift 1980

3) Domestic policies and impact Political, economic, social and religious policies

- influence of Che Guevara – moral incentives & voluntarism; central planning- Agrarian Reform Act, 1960s; Revolutionary Offensive 1968; ‘Year of the Ten

Million’ 1970; Rectification Campaign 1986; Special Period 1991 Role of education, the arts, the media, propaganda

- Year of Education 1962; brigadistas; private schools nationalised- PM affair & censorship of film; Padilla affairs & the ‘grey years’

Status of women, treatment of religious groups and minorities- new Family Code but still hierarchical society; Federacion de Mujeres Cubanas- relationship with Catholic Church & Pope John Paul’s visit 1998; Afro-Cuban

religions; discrimination against Afro-Cubans; protestants & Jewish minorities

Examination Week & End of Year 1

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Weeks IB History Scheme of Work – Year 2Fall Term

Weeks 1-4(4 weeks)

Cannon et al, 77-140Scott-Baumann, 3-34

Gauci, 7-17

Gauci, 18-21

Gauci, 22-26

Scott-Baumann, 35-45Gauci, 27-33

Scott-Baumann, 65-75Gauci, 34-38

Scott-Baumann, 45-64, 76-83Gauci, 38-57

Prescribed subject 2: The Arab-Israeli conflict, 1945-79

1) Last years of the British Mandate; UNSCOP partition plan & the outbreak of civil war - Jewish Diaspora; Zionism; Arab nationalism; Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916;

Balfour Declaration 1917; collapse of Ottoman Empire; Arab Revolt 1936-39; Peel Commission 1936-37; British White Paper 1939; WW11 1939-45

- Arab League 1945; Bevin’s policy; Truman’s policy & US Zionist lobby- Jewish insurrection 1945-46 – Haganah, Irgun, Lehi; King David Hotel bombing;

Britain hands over problem to United Nations 1947; Exodus 1947- responses to UNSCOP Report – Zionist, Arab, British, US; partition 1947- civil war in Palestine Nov. 1947 – May 1948; Deir Yassin Massacre & flight of

Palestinian Arabs2) British withdrawal; establishment of Israel; Arab response and 1948-49 war

- causes, course and consequences3) Demographic shifts & Israel post 1949

- Palestinian diaspora & Absentee Property Law 1950; UN & Palestinian refugees; politics & parties in Israel; dominance of Mapai 1949-74; rise of Lukud

- Jewish immigration – Law of Return 1950; Ashkenazim & Sephardim- economic development of Israeli state – agriculture, foreign aid, GDP, deficits

4) Suez Crisis of 1956- Egyptian Revolution of 1952, Free Officers & Gamel Abdel Nasser- Nasser’s foreign policy & relations with Britain, France, US, Israel; Non-Aligned

Movement; Arab nationalism; Egypt & Soviet bloc; Aswan Dam- Nasser closes Suez Canal & Straits of Tiran; Anglo-French-Israeli collusion;

response of Eisenhower; results of 1956 war5) Pan-Arabism & Zionism; emergence of PLO

- United Arab Republic 1958 (and collapse 1961) – Egypt & Syria; Fatah 1958- Cairo Conference & PLO 1964; tension between PLO & Jordan; attacks on Israel

6) Six Day War of 1967; Yom Kippur War of 1973- long-term/short-term causes of Six Day War; Superpower responses; Eshkol

brings in Dayan & Begin; course of war; consequences of the war; Israeli divisions of Occupied Territories; Arab response & the Three No’s

- UN Resolution 242; war of attrition 1968-70; US policy – Johnson’s Five Principles 1967 & Rogers Plan 1969; rise of Fatah & Battle of Karameh 1968; Arafat as PLO president; Black September 1970; PLO-Jordanian tensions

- long-term/short-term causes of 1973 war; Jewish settlements in occupied territories; Sadat & alliance between Egypt & Syria; course of war; consequences

Personal Development Week - September 2013Week 6

Scott-Baumann, 85-45, 83-84

Scott-Baumann, 54-61Gauci,57-62

7) Role of the United States, USSR and the UNO; PLO threats to Israel- Geneva Conference 1973; Kissinger’s ‘Shuttle-Diplomacy’- PLO & Lebanese Civil War 1975-76; Israeli invasion of Lebanon 1978 & 1982

8) Road to Camp David and the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Agreement- President Carter’s Middle-Eastern policy; Sadat’s foreign policy; Begin as PM of

Israel; Sadat addresses Knesset 1977; Camp David Accords 1978 & the Two Frameworks for Peace

- Washington Treaty 1979 – provisions & limitations

Aspects of the History of the Americas (HL extension)

Weeks 6-8(2 weeks)

Berliner et al, 10-14, 60-73

Geography of the Americas. Overview of social, cultural, political development. What is Latin America? Distinction between domestic policy & foreign policy

Overview of US Constitution & changing balance among three branches of government: executive, legislative, judicial; appointments to Supreme Court & their importance; what criteria for judging presidents?

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Half-Term Break - October 2013 Weeks 10-16

(7 weeks)

Pennington, 210-217

Berliner et al, 245-259

Berliner et al, 341-355

Sanders, Race Relations, 89-99

Sanders, Race Relations, 100-116

Pennington, 232-235Sanders, Race Relations, 171-177

Berliner et al, 260-263Pennington, 246-251Sanders, Race Relations, 177-191

Sanders, Politics 32-65Berliner et al, 265-270Sanders, Race Relations, 192-195

Pennington, 218-223, 235 -246

Sanders, Race Relations 77-87, 101-113, 120-150

Sanders, Race Relations, 17, 29, 101-103

Sanders, Race Relations, 89-119, 171-203

Sanders, Race Relations, 151-169

(HL) Political developments in the Americas, 1945-79There will be considerable overlap with this sub-topic & the following:1) United States: domestic policies of Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy

Truman’s domestic policy, 1945-53 - legacy of New Deal, hostile Republicans & Dixiecrats in Congress, 1948 election- post-war wage & price controls, labour unrest, Taft-Hartley Act, Fair Deal- Federal Employee Loyalty Program 1947; McCarran Act Internal Security Act

1950; House Committee on Un-American Activities & McCarthyism- assessing Truman’s civil rights record: Jim Crow laws; To Secure These Rights

1947; NAACP; Executive Orders & desegregation of army Eisenhower’s domestic policy, 1953-61

- ‘middle road’ & the ‘New Republicanism’; Federal-Aid Highway Act- McCarthyism under Eisenhower; Army-McCarthy hearings 1954- economic record on growth, poverty, inflation, employment, budget deficit - assessing civil rights record - Earl Warren & Brown case 1954; Little Rock 1957- assessment & recent debate on effectiveness of Eisenhower presidency;

‘military-industrial complex’ Kennedy’s domestic policy, 1961-63

- ‘New Frontier’; Kennedy’s style & recruitment of ‘best & brightest’- JFK’s new economics & his economic record- Civil Rights Act, relations with Civil Rights Movement, Thurgood Marshall

2) United States: domestic policies of Johnson and Nixon Johnson’s ‘Great Society’, 1963-69

- assessment on the ‘Great Society’ – war on racism & poverty: Civil Rights Act 1964 & Voters Rights Act 1965; Medicare & Medicaid; education, student loans, Headstart; affirmative action: Immigration Act 1965; Economic Opportunity Act 1965; support for the arts; environmental protection; deficit spending; impact of Vietnam War; Gulf of Tonkin Resolution & concept of ‘imperial presidency’

Nixon’s domestic reforms, 1969-74- ‘New Federalism’, e.g. State & Local Assistance Act 1972; reversing the Great

Society; record on civil rights and women’s rights- Environmental Protection Agency 1970; conversion to Keynesian economics- impact of Watergate scandal

(HL) Civil Rights and Social Movements in the Americas

Native Americans: Latin America, United States, Canada Civil Rights Movement in the United States

- aims, tactics, successes & failures of NAACP, SCLC, CORE, SNCC; Montgomery bus boycott 1956; Little Rock 1957; Greensboro sit-in 1961; Freedom Rides 1961; Freedom Summer in Mississippi 1964; Martin Luther King - challenging Birmingham & March on Washington 1963; Selma march 1965

US Supreme Court & legal challenges to segregation in education/segregation in South- Chief Justice Earl Warren; Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka 1954; Brown

11 1955; Cooper v. Aaron 1958 (binding states); Baker v. Carr 1962 (one man, one vote); poll tax declared unconstitutional under 24th Amendment rules 1964

Role of governments in civil rights movements in the Americas- FEPC & desegregation of army (Truman), Civil Rights Act 1957, Little Rock

(Eisenhower); Civil Rights Bill 1963 (JFK); Civil Rights Act 1964 & Voting Rights Act 1965 (LBJ); equal opportunities; affirmative action; ‘busing’

From moderate civil rights activism to black nationalism & violent protest- reasons for radicalism – racism, poverty, Vietnam, ghetto riots; aims, tactics,

successes, failures - Malcolm X, Black Muslims, Black Power, Black Panthers Youth culture, counterculture, New Left and protest movement

- Port Huron Statement & Students for a Democratic Society 1962; New Left & anti-war movement; ‘counterculture’, Haight-Ashbury: ‘Summer of Love’ 1967

Women’s movement in the United States- issues – child care, equal pay, abortion rights; Betty Friedan’s Feminine

Mystique; NOW; ‘Women’s Lib’; Roe v. Wade 1973; conservative reaction

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Examination Week – December 2013Christmas Break (3 weeks)

Weeks 21-25

(5 weeks)

Williamson, 322-336

Berliner et al, 62-63, 74-79, 449

Berliner et al, 313-319, 225-234

Williamson, 410-435

Williamson, 459-484

Mimmack et al, 9-52

Berliner et al, 234-340, 320-334

(HL) Political developments in the Americas (continued)

1) (HL & SL) Cuban Revolution & Fidel Castro – covered in the 1st year

2) (HL only) Populist Leaders in Latin America – Vargas in Brazil; Perón in Argentina Terminology – Latin America, right-wing v. left-wing, caudillo, populism, ISI Getúlio Vargas: leader of Brazil, 1930-45 and 1950-54

- ‘valorisation’ scheme & Sao Paulo coffee oligarchy; Great Depression & breaking of the cafe com leite alliance; slump of commodity prices

- Revolution of 1930; suspension of constitution of 1934 & the Estado Novo; Import Substitution Industrialisation (ISI)

- foreign policy during WW11 – Vargas plays off Nazi Germany & US- interregnum – restoration of liberal democracy & the Second Republic 1946-64- 1950 election & third presidency of Vargas; economic nationalism- Carlos Lacerda affair and the death of Vargas 1954; return to military rule 1964 - assessment of Vargas legacy & his social, economic and political policies; the

treatment of opposition; successes and failures Juan Perón: president of Argentina, 1946-54 and 1973-74 – overlapping of Paper 2 on

Authoritarian States and HL extension Paper 3 of History of the Americas

(HL) Political developments in the Americas / Authoritarian State in Argentina under Perón

1) Origins and nature of the authoritarian state in Argentina (if not exactly a single-party state) Conditions that produced the authoritarian state in Argentina under Perón

- long-term factors: commodities-based economy, falling terms of trade & Great Depression; social inequality; corruption & nepotism; Infamous Decade 1930-43

Emergence of Perón as the president of Argentina: - short-term factors: outbreak of WW11; actions of GOU & army coup of 1943;

Perón as Secretary of Labour & Welfare & then Minister of War & then VP; events of 17 October & the descamisados; elections of 1946

2) Establishment of the authoritarian state Perón’s consolidation of power

- control of labour; continues welfarism; removes selected labour leaders- army neutralised; military budget increased- ties with Church improve: marries Eva Duarte; religious instruction in schools- radio bought by groups linked to regime; La Prensa newspaper given to CGT- education: universities & schools effectively controlled by regime- political institutions: Supreme Court replaced; peronistas in Congress- stamped authority on Partido Perónista

Structure of government & administration, ideology- Perón’s influence on Supreme Court, Congress, trade unions, civil service- populist genius of Eva Perón with descamisados; Eva Perón Foundation- Justicialismo; meaning of populism- legacy of Perónism – economic problems (inflation, debt) & political division

Nature, extent and treatment of opposition- debate on whether Perónist Argentina was single-party state; authoritarian, e.g.

parliament open & elections held but Supreme Court & Congress Perónised- economic crisis after 1951 - middle class & trade union opposition; coup attempt

& ‘internal state of war’; Catholic groups – priests arrested/newspapers closed

3) Domestic policies and impact Political, economic, social and religious policies

- role of ideas: Dependency Theory; Raúl Prebisch & Import Substitution- 1949 constitution – protection of institution of marriage; expropriation &

nationalization; end to inviolability of private property; mass support - wage rises - control of landed economy – IAPI state monopoly control agricultural prices- ‘Liberating Revolution’ & fall of Peron 1955; Perón’s third presidency 1973-74

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Ski Week – February 2014Mock Examinations (date to be determined)

Weeks 27-28 (2 weeks)

Williamson, 485-510

Role of education, the arts, the media, propaganda- education & teachers Perónised; work of artists & intellectuals coordinated- Secretariat of Information – censorship of newspapers; autarchic New Argentina

Status of women, treatment of religious groups and minorities- right to vote given to women; Eva Perón & female branch of Perónist Party

(PPF); however, Catholicism & traditional roles for women; Church relations

(HL) Political developments in the Americas (continued) – Chile from Allende to Pinochet

Military regimes in Latin America (Chile as a case study): rationale for intervention; challenges; policies; successes and failures

background – military rule 1924-31; post-war governments & advance of Left 1946-64;Christian Democrat Government 1964-70 – ‘Revolution in Liberty’/ ‘communitarianism’

Allende & Popular Unity – elections of 1970; revolution against ‘oligarchy’, ‘imperialism’ & attack on ‘underdevelopment’; policies – nationalisation & land reform

opposition to Allende – MIR & Trotskyist parties; ; middle class; women; road haulers; military right; US firms; economic problems – inflation, strikes, black markets, shortages

Pinochet’s coup 1973 & transition to free market; ‘Chicago boys’; search for legitimacy US involvement - covert operations of Nixon/Kissinger; ‘Red Sandwich’ (this overlaps

with the HL extension Cold War & the Americas and the Core topic Cold War)

Weeks 29-33 (5 weeks)

Berliner et al, 337-382Pennington, 223-229

Sanders, Vietnam, 1-79Berliner et al, 336-347Pennington, 196-199Bragg, 72-115

Rogers/Thomas, 60-71Sanders, Vietnam, 80-200Berliner et al, 369-378Pennington, 199-209Gaddis, 168-177Bragg, 116-177

Williamson, 485-510Berliner et al, 389-395Gaddis, 178-179

(HL) Cold War and the Americas, 1945-1981Cold War (overlaps with Core topic from 1st year)

1) United States: foreign policies of Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy- brief review: consistency in containment policy or new ideas?

2) United States’ involvement in the Vietnam War Truman, Eisenhower & Kennedy on communist threat in Vietnam

- Ho Chi Minh & Vietminh; US support for French & Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAG) sent by Truman; First Indochina War 1946-54

- Giap & guerrilla tactics; Battle of Dienbienphu; Geneva Accords 1954 – responses of France, China, USSR, US, UK; partition of Vietnam at 17th parallel

- North Vietnam launches ‘anti-landlord’ campaign; MAG advisors train ARVN; NLF (Vietcong) formed 1960; Khruschev’s support for ‘wars of national liberation’

- domino theory; US support for Diem; insurgency in South & Vietcong; Strategic Hamlets; persecution of Buddhists; coup against Diem 1963

Johnson & Nixon – escalation & widening of conflict- Ho Chi Minh Trail & NVA; Gulf of Tonkin Resolution 1964; Operation Rolling

Thunder; search & destroy; Battle of Khe Sanh; Tet Offensive 1968; Defense Sec. Clifford turns against war; Johnson rejects presidential nomination; McCarthy & RFK contest nomination; Paris peace talks; My Lai Massacre

- Nixon Doctrine & Vietnamization; ‘fraggings’; détente with China; Pentagon Papers 1971; Cambodian campaign 1969-70; Easter Offensive 1972; Christmas bombings & Paris Peace Accords 1973; Watergate scandal & hostile Congress; resignation of Nixon 1974; fall of Saigon 1975

3) Cold War beyond Europe & East Asia Cold War in one Latin American country: reasons for foreign and domestic policies:

- Organisation of American States; Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress - Cuba, Chile & the ‘Red Sandwich’ (covered in previous topics)- President Carter, Panama Canal Treaty & quest for human rights

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Pennington, 270-284Berliner et al, 397-417

Sanders, Politics 96-137

(HL) Into the 21st Century from the 1980s to 2000 (only Reagan presidency covered)

Overlapping of Paper 2 on Cold War and HL extension Paper 3 of History of the Americas with Reagan’s foreign policy

Reagan’s domestic policy- why Carter failed to get re-elected; beliefs & reasons for rise of New Right- supply-side Reaganomics & deregulation; Star Wars & defence spending;

economic record – growth, inflation, budget deficits, poverty Reagan’s foreign policy

- proxy wars in Third World & Latin America; Iran-Contra Scandal- (end of Cold War covered in Cold War core topic)

Easter Break 2014 (2 weeks)Revision Program

Examinations begin early May

General Cannon et al. (2009).20th Century World History: IB Diploma Course Companion. Oxford University Press.

Core: Prescribed subject 2: Arab-Israeli conflict, 1945-79.Gauci, J. (2009). IB History: The Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1945-79. OSC Revision Guides. OSC Publishing.Scott-Baumann. (2009). Crisis in the Middle East: Israel & the Arab States 1945-2007. Hodder Murray.

Core: Topics: Topic 3 – Single-Party/Authoritarian StatesGauci, J. (2010). IB History: Origins & Development of Authoritarian & Single-Party States. OSC Revision Guides. OSC.Hite, J. & Hinton, C. (2000). Weimar & Nazi Germany. Schools History Project. Hodder Murray.Layton, G. (2008). From Second Reich to Third Reich: Germany 1918-45. Hodder Education.Lynch, M. (2010). China: From Empire to People’s Republic 1900-1949. 2nd ed. Hodder and Stoughton. Lynch, M. (2008). The People’s Republic of China since 1949. 2nd ed. Hodder and Stoughton.Mimmack, B., Senes, D. & Price, E. (2010). History 20th Century World: Authoritarian & Single-Party States. Pearson.Spence, J. (1999). The Search for Modern China. 2nded. W.W. Norton.

Core: Topics: Topic 5 – Cold WarGaddis, J. (2007). The Cold War. Penguin.McCauley, M. (2003). The Origins of the Cold War, 1941-1949. 3rd ed. Pearson EducationMcCauley, M. (2004). Russia, America & the Cold War. 2nd ed. Pearson EducationRogers, K. & Thomas, J. (2008). History 20th Century World: The Cold War. Heinemann.

Aspects of the History of the AmericasBragg, S. (2005). Vietnam, Korea and US Foreign Policy, 1945-75. Berliner et al. (2011).; History of the Americas: IB Diploma Course Companion. Oxford University Press.De Pennington, J. (2010). Modern America: The USA, 1865 to the Present. Schools History Project. Hodder Murray.Sanders, V. (2008). Politics & Presidency and Society in the USA, 1968-2001. Hodder Education.Sanders, V. (2006). Race Relations in the USA, 1863-1980. 3rd ed. Hodder Education.Sanders, V. (2013). Civil Rights & the Social Movements in the Americas. Hodder & Stoughton – to be publishedSanders, V. (2007). The USA and Vietnam, 1945-75. 3rd ed. Hodder Education.Williamson, E. (2009). The Penguin History of Latin America. Rev. Ed. Penguin.

Mr. KandelaarsAugust 2012

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