The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

this years Corporation for under condition or for a user. 5 prescribed of at no of in for its 1 of Cone ca Home The Beaux Arts Trio, violinist Isidore cellist, Bernard Greenhouse. Cohen, pianist Menahem Pressler and COMMUNITY CONCERT Trio Of Artists To Perform The Beaux Arts Trio, the first act for the up-coming season of Community Concerts, made their stage debut twelve years ago at the Berkshire Festival in Tanglewood. Since then, the trio have played more than 2,000 engagements throughout North America, Europe, Israel, Africa and the Middle East. The group will appear here on Oetober 16.

Menahem Pressler, pianist, Isidore Cohen, violin, and Bernard Greenhouse, cello, make up the trio. Menahem Pressler was born in Germany, grew up in Israel, and came to the United States to make his first American tour as a pianist when he was 17 years old. During that tour, he was soloist five times with the Philadelphia Orchestra and won a contract to appear with them for three years. Mr. Pressler has since appeared with such orchestras as the New York Philharmonic, the Cleveland Orchestra, the National Symphony of Washington.

D.C.. and the Philharmonic in New York. He appears regularly in concert in Europe, and was soloist with Philharmonic Orchestra last spring in Israel. He resides in Indiana, and is a full professor at the University in Bloomington. Isidore Cohen was born in New York City and studied at the Juilliard School.

He has been concertmaster of The Little Orchestra Society in New York, and has held that same post with many other orchestras, including that of the Casals Festival in Puerto Rico. Recently he was concert-master the Mozart Festival in Lincoln Center where he also appeared as soloist. Mr. Cohen has had an extensive chamber music background which includes membership in the Juilliard String Quartet and appearances with the Budapest Quartet and the prestigious Music from Marlboro. Bernard Greenhouse came to the attention of the music world when he made his New York recital debut in Town Hall, of which the "New York Herald Tribune" wrote, a mature musician and an impeccable executant." Mr.

Greenhouse was a fellowship student at Juilliard, and studied for two years in Europe with Pablo Casals. Since then he has won a reputation as one of the major interpreters on the cello, making appearances in most of major cities of both Europe and America, in recital, with with chamber music and orchestrates with recordings. He plays the famous Stradivarius cello dated 1707. He is on the faculties of the Manhattan School of Music, New York State University, and the University of Hartford. The Beaux Arts Trio has performed with the State Department's Cultural Program, has had the distinction of performing in Tanglewood for nine consecutive seasons, and has won awards for its recordings of Mendelssohn and Dvorak trios.

Tickets for the Community Concert are now available from members or at the headquarters at Detroit Edison Company. Club News LADIES AUXILIARY CHARLES SCHOOR POST 796, VFW Mrs. Robert F. Edmondson was elected President, Mrs. Russel Anter, Sr.

Vice President, Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher, Jr. Vice President, Mrs. Joseph Kingsbury, Conductress, Mrs. Della C.

Watson, Chaplain, Mrs. Leo White, Treasurer, Mrs. Charles P. Dailer, Guard, and Mrs. Fred Bennett, three-year Trustee, at a meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Charles Schoor Post 796.

VFW. Gifts were sent to the twenty-five high school graduates, who live at the VFW National Home, Eaton Rapids, Michigan, and a donation was sent to "Operation Telephone Joe" in Vietnam. Mrs. Dodge C. Matts, Poppy Model AEP-8MN 8.000 1 Frigidaire Prestige Air Conditioner cools the quiet way Sleep in quiet-cool without a shiver.

It's Pin-Drop quiet! Smart styling. Concealed controls. Operating sound has been reduced to a hushed operating quietness- -pin-drop quiet for your complete enjoyment. Wide angle air flow directs air around you, not at you. Automatic cooling conOnly Frigidaire offers able filter plus many more DROP trol set it forget it.

Wash- PIN. this 3-way protection backed by features. QUIET General Motors 1.0 One full year on all parts and labor. Frigidfor this Room Air Conditioner warrants of detect. one full year repair any 2.

Five aite years warrants on the refrigerating refrigerating system. system Frigid. of Hear a "Quiet" Air Conditioner four more Robin defect. any repair If at Five years on rated cooling capacity 3. time within years after date delivany this Frigidaire ery to the original purchaser, Room Air Conditioner while proper operrated fails to deliver ating the conditions and within the pacity by Standard tolerances General Motors CN1, Frigidaire Division replace this Room Air will current model of ditioner with to rated capacity cost same busic in more Frigidate bothers to help TIMES HERALD Family Living Area Notes ELKTON Installation of officers by Mrs.

Bruce Krohn featured the regular meeting of Club 59 in the home of Mrs. Lyle Krech. Officers are: president, Mrs. Earl Krohn; vice president, Mrs. William McCarty recording secretary, Mrs.

Alger Moeller; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Larry Werner; treasurer Mrs. Robert Dubey, and officer at large, Mrs. Gary Nesbitt. Mrs.

Krohn named yearbook committee for 1970-71: Mrs. McCarty, Mrs. Bruce Krohn, Mrs. James Krohn, Mrs. Kreh, and Mrs.

Alan English. Saturday, May 16, the group will meet in the Ronald Fritch home for a picnic and final meeting of the year, after which a visit will be made to open house at the Port Austin Air Force Station. An international flavor marked the regular meeting of Woman's Civic Club in the home of Mrs. Mervin Snider, for the potluck dinner of foreign foods served at 6:30 p.m. Dieter Bunte, foreign exchange student from Germany and a senior at Laker High School, spoke to the group about his homeland, describing the schools and industry in his country.

Colored slides accompanied the discourse. Mrs. Viberta Jeffers was a guest. To end the year's activities the group will have picnic at the Ackerman Memorial Park Thursday, June 4, at 6:30 p.m. CARSONVILLE Seventy mothers and daughters attended the annual dinner sponsored by the Wesleyan Service Guild and the WSCS in the United Methodist Church dining room Tuesday.

Gifts were presented the oldest mother present, Mrs. Mary Myers, the youngest mother present, Mrs. Fred Gageby and the mother with the most daughters and granddaughters present, Mrs. Harold Buffett. The dinner was served by the men of the church.

MARLETTE The Altruesa Club held their annual auction sale in the high school cafeterium. Auctioneers Earl Roberts and Jerry and Carl Volz presided. The club netted over $1100.00. This goes into the Joan Patrick Memorial Student Loan Fund. The annual Marlette Hospital Auxiliary Tea will be held on Wednesday, May 13th at 2 o'clock in the First' Presbyterian Church.

CLAIR The 40th Anniversary Dinner of the St. Clair Music Study Club was held in the Oak Room of the Congregational Church. Mrs. Harold Decker, Chairman, was assisted by the Board of Directors. A birthday cake, spring flowers, and wrapped gifts decorated the tables.

A "white elephant" gift exchange was held. CROSWELL Officers were elected at a guest meeting of the Past Matrons Club of Croswell Chapter No. 236 OES in Huron Shores Golf Club, Port Sanilac. Mrs. Cecil Soule was elected president; Mrs.

Amos Sheldon, first vice president; Mrs. Roy Gibson, second vice president; Mrs. James Bennett. secretary; Mrs. Elwood Elliott, treasurer; Mrs.

Frank Fenton, chaplain and Miss Mayme Phillips, Mrs. Andrew Aitken and Mrs. Leonard Crowell, courtesy committee. The next meeting will be held at 8 p.m. May 26 in the MRS.

STEPHEN R. VAUGHAN Vaughan-Mata PORT SANILAC Miss bridegroom, Sandusky, were Diana G. Mata, daughter of bridesmaids. Flowergirls were Mr. Esther Mata, sister of and Mrs.

Joe Euseuio the bride, Sandusky, and Miss Mata, Sandusky, became the Delia Hernandez, bride of Stephen R. Vaughan, James P. Croswellake May 9, in St. Marys's Catholic George, N.Y.. was his brothChurch.

Parents of the bride- er's best man. Ushers were groom are Mr. and Mrs. Hen- Tom Villarreal, Croswell, Robry Vaughan, Sandusky. ert Lopez, Sandusky, Roger Miss Lupe Mata was maid Portice, Deckerville, Joseph of honor for her sister.

Matron Rios, Imlay City, Michael of honor was Mrs. Mary Ev- Vaughan, brother of the brideara, Pontiac. Mrs. Robert Lo- groom, Cleveland, N.Y., Juan pez, sister of the bride, Sand- Mendoza, and Daniel Travino, usky, Miss Nancy Collier, both of Croswell, James Croswell, Mrs. Joseph Rios, Welch, Peck, Dennis Vaughan, Imlay City, Miss Bertha Mar- brother of the bridegroom, tinez, Deckerville, Juan and Timothy Dougherty, both Mendoza, Croswell, Miss of Sandusky, Henry Linke, JoRosie sister of the seph Mendoza, Croswell, John bride, Sandusky, Mrs.

James Cumpian, Toledo, 0., Daniel Welch, Peck, Miss Angie Cum- Huber, and Gary Davis, both pian, Toledo, 0., Mrs. Gary of Sandusky. Ringbearer was Greene, Miss Hilda Garcia, Joseph Jimenez Crystal Imlay City, Miss Lydia Garza, City, Tex. Deckerville, Miss, Becky A reception in the Applegate Smith, Sandusky, Miss Su- Hall, Applegate, followed the san Vaughan, sister of the ceremony. Jaycee Women Honored At Installation Banquet JAYCEE AUXILIARY The Port Huron Jaycee Auxiliary held its annual Installation Banquet Wednesday evening in Traveller's Lodge.

Mrs. Gary Whiting, outgoing President was mistress of ceremonies for the evening. Nine Sparkette and twelve Spokette awards were given to women who demonstrated out- EDith Corbetts CUt -UPS Easy-To-Make Birthday Cake Birthday special: Bake the cake in a tube pan, or use a boughten angel food cake with a hole in the middle. Stuff the hole with a mixture of: gumdrops, very small plastic toys, bright pennies. Into the frosting, mix: gumdrop snippets, birthday cake favors and fortunes, in wax paper twists and frost over the hole-in-the-cake, and all.

A lucky dip goes with it; make it from the same mixture as above, plus lots of candied cereal, or caramel popcorn. Each child gets to fish for a papercup full. home of Miss Phillips. DEEP griffin CARPETS and Furniture PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Old method using rotary brushes and detergents actually scrubs soil deeper into the carpet where it soon attracts additional grime. Carpets are never really clean.

SOIL is EXTRACTED THAT IS THE DIFFERENCE WRITE OR TELEPHONE FOR COMPLETE DETAILS DEEP STEAM EXTRACTION, OF PORT HURON PHONE 982-4200 "'WE MAKE OTHER METHODS OBSOLETE" Coming Events TUESDAY Quota Club business meeting P.E.O. dinner in Traveler's in The Club, 12:10 p.m. Inn, 7:00 p.m. The Lutheran Ladies AuxBlue Water Tops regular iliary, Chapter 27, meeting, in Wagenseil Cen- regular meeting of the board ter, 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs.

Arthur Fidelis Club meet in church, Berndt, 709 Hanco*ck Street. 6:30 p.m. Mother-Daughter Ladies Library Association dinner. Clair Annual Spring Luncheon i in Lawyers Wives of St. County luncheon in the home the Y.M.C.A., 12:30 p.m.

of Mrs. Grafton Sharp, 4088 Book review and musical Gratiot Avenue, 12:30 p.m. program. St. Clair County Medical Maryglade Guild No.

10 Society Auxiliary monthly meet in the home of Mrs. Aldinner meeting, in Black River Country Club, 6:30 freda Jawor, 1715 Twentyp.m. second Street, 8:15 p.m. Franchised Dealer Downs Beattie QUALITY CARPETS For rare values in Wools, Nylons, Acrilans and Kodels also Kitchen Carpet in plains and patterns with colors to match G. E.

Appliances. Get our prices before you buy Shown in your home! "Everything for the Modern Home Decorator" FOUNTAIN'S CARPET DRAPERY AND SHOP Draperies715 HURON AVE. PHONE YU 5-8035 Chairman, announced that the Annual Buddy Poppy Sale, will be held on May 15 and 16. Delegates elected to attend the VFW State Convention to be held in Bay City, Mich. in June are, Mrs.

Leo White, Mrs. Russel 1 Anter, Mrs. Lura Baldridge, Mrs. Thomas D. Hunter, and Mrs.

William A. Lill. The Ladies Auxiliary and Post 796, will hold a joint installation of officers, May 23 in the new Post Home, 1711 Pine Grove Ave. The next auxiliary meeting will be held on May 20, in the new Post Home. FAITH LUTHERAN FIDELIS CLUB Reverend Marion Pierson was honored at a surprise birthday party at the May 4 meeting of the Faith Lutheran Fidelis Guild.

The birthday cake which featured golf clubs and bags was decorated by Mrs. Wilbur Heier. Reservations may now be made for the Mother-Daughter Banquet to be held May 20 at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Gary Smith and Mrs.

Heier are in charge of reservations. Monthly hostesses were Mrs. Clare Bills, Mrs. Jack Brown, Mrs. Bertha Jaresky, Mrs.

James Armbruster, Mrs. Mabel Klages, and Mrs. Heier, chairman. The next meeting will be a potluck dinner, June 1. WOMEN'S QUARTER CENTURY CLUB The Women's Quarter Century Club met Thursday May 7th at the Reef for business meeting, luncheon and cards.

Mrs. James E. Sinclair, bowling chairman awarded prizes for the month of April to Mrs. Clarence E. Chance and Mrs.

Russell W. Schumacher. Mrs. Esther Pryor, chairman announced that golfing would start at 8 a.m. on Thursday, May 14th at Marysville Golf Course.

Court Whist was played and prizes were won by Mrs. John Pardee, Mrs. Kent K. Parrott, Mrs. Arthur W.

Hersback and Mrs. Gordon Carmichael. Next regular meeting will be on May 21st in Reef. For reservations phone 982-6578 or 985-8016. KinneySmalldon Rites Read Mr.

and Mrs. Francis Smalldon, Griswold Road, announce the marriage of their daughter, Cheryl Lynn, to Robert Kinney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kerr, Sixteenth Street. The couple were married April 20, in the Colonial Woods Missionary Church.

Attendants Miss Ruth Huell and Peter Kinney, brother of the bridegroom. A small reception in the Kerr home followed the ceremony. The newlyweds will reside in Mount Holly, N.J., where he IS stationed with the U.S. Army. standing achievement during the past year.

Special award winners were: Mrs. David Wright, spokette of the year; Mrs. Jacob Weil, outstanding new member; Mrs. Alan Anderson, outstanding member of the year; Mrs. Don Therrien, outstanding chairman of the year; Mrs.

William Gibson, outstanding project of the year and Mrs. Ezra Bridge and Mrs. Brad Root, outstanding new project. Mrs. Charles Beauvais and Mrs.

Ervin Miller received life memberships to the Port Huron Jaycee Auxiliary Chapter. Among the honored guests were seven of the Auxiliary's Past Presidents. At the close of the evening the newly elected officers were installed. They were Mrs. William Gibson, president; Mrs.

Jacob Weil, vice president; Mrs. David Wright, secretary; Mrs. Richard Smalldon, treasurer; Mrs. Alan Anderson, and Mrs. Michael Toles, directors.

KRENKE'S Custom Drapery Sale! 3 15 LAST DAYS FABRIC AND LABOR All Fabric Prices INCLUDE: MEASURING FABRIC TAILORING INSTALLED on your rod R. H. KRENKE Son Floor Coverings 1441 Pine Grove 982-3607 Use Michigan Bankard or Master Charge This week only! Save off reg. price Famous Stylist zigzag sewing machine by Singer in "Pacesetter" cabinet. Now $13995 SAVE $35 REG.

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The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.