The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)

PORT HURON, 4B THE TIMES HERALD Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1972 BLUIMUIC r'gviumioi-tr ri vr-jiy vi li nyr IJ1! Today's crossword CARROLL RIGHTER'S Horoscope for Tomorrow Answer to Previous Punlt Hodgepodge ACROSS IKind of pool 4 Direction 8 Narrative 12 Took food 13 Greek theaters J4 War god of Greece 35 Negative word :6 Without gladness 18 Radiate 20 Winged 21 Electrified particle 22 Inquisitive 24 Maine town 26 Dispatched 27 British grog shop 30 Thoroughfare 32 Composed 34 Rounded 35 Accustomed (var.) 36 Onager 37 Equine gait 39 Scottish loch 40 School exam. 41 Pig sty 42 Anesthetic 45 Certain. prisoner 49 South African region 51 Timetable abbreviation. 52 Pastry 53 Possesses 54 Whitney's inventioa 55 Primates 56 Walk in water 57 Compass point DOWN 3 Sugar 2 Whit 3 Storekeepers 4 Adult girl 5 Prepare for I j- 3 BEETLE BAILEY ttfrLn NEWAPMYWE RAISE MY' LEADER LEAD ofV SOCHB S-VJB CAN'T YEU.

speak sopTi.y, VOICE JUST BY EXAMPLE ANP f0iB UPE AT THE MEN I uSINS REASON A LITTLE GOOD JUDGMENT i C'Jv Sly 5 BUGS BUNNY 'AMALGAMATED SHOE- "SCHMOOSLE PAPER LACES" LOOKS LIKE A CLIP" IS HOLDING Uno T1E-'Nrrrrr, TOGETHER NICELY! I 2 15 16 7 18 19 110 111 12 13 Ti 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 "122 23 24 (25 "126 "I 27 128 129 30 31 3T 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 143 144 4546 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 1111 I I 26 -mm A PRISCILLA'S POP I I WHY I tdI HAZEL! IS THAT YOU? ONE CORNED BEEP nw uvp Gamut JU'S PEUCATESSENJ I DIDN'T ORDER EXCUSE ME, lc7C YES. I WAS K3ARGL1NG. ti i I mi vv. (THANK AHM waoi Oswald Jim Jacoby on bridge Bit of luck good as magic THE BORN LOSER TRHlWG) TO SNEAK OOTlWIHiWaWiKW i CALL WLW'. POUT nun I PW i OUST SIEPCUTflCE and) I EXAMINS IT lM TBi NORTH 26 AKQ92 V742 Q75 K63 WEST EAST AS6 A73 VAQ1063 VJ98 K98 J42 AJ9 108 54 2 SOUTH (D) A A 10 5 4 VK5 A1063 Q7 None vulnerable West North East South 1A Dble 3 A Pass 4 A Pass Pass Pass Opening lead A 8 iiiJi i Ifffl publication 6 Unruffled 7 Make lace 8 Score 9 Region 30 For fear that 11 Being (Latin) 17 Hurry 19 Not any person 23 Beginning 24 Han 25 Currier's partner 26 Soothsayers 27 Extraction 28 Shoshoneans 29 Couches 31 Speaks Xi Sandy hills 38 Canadian capital 40 Canvas shelters 41 Throb 42 Girl's name 43 Snare 44 Rabbit 46 Stony ridge 47 Goddess of discord 48 Sea eagle 50 Solemn promise South wins this in his own hand also and plays a low club.

If West clatters up with the ace, South's worries are over. But West plays low. Dummy's king wins the trick and South is ready with the magic. He plays out the rest of the diamonds, discarding one of dummy's clubs on the last one. Then he plays his queen of clubs.

West is on lead again and no matter what he does, one of South's heart losers has vanished. What was the bit of luck we mentioned earlier? If diamonds had broken badly South wouldn't have been able to discard that club from dummy and would have had to be set. The bidding has been: West North East South 1 Pass 1 Pass You, South, hold: A AK6S VA102 4K53 AJ6 What do you do now? A Bid two no-trump. You do not show your spade suit because a bid of a second suit here would imply unbalanced distribution. TODAY'S QUESTION Your partner continues to three clubs.

What do you do now? Answer tomorrow injury to the baby are most unlikely. For another, the IUDs or "loops" have been modified considerably in the last few years, minimizing the danger. And finally, what purpose is served by getting you all wrought up when there's nothing to do about it? You may be asking, "Why not remove the loop now?" This has been tried in the past, but without success, because it means loss of the baby then and there. True, there are miscarriages because of the presence of the loop, but there are also more cases of successful births in spite of the loop. One way you are sure to lose the baby; the other way (just relaxing and letting the pregnancy progress normally) allows reason for substantial hope.

Dear Dr. Thosteson: Many things have been said about menopause, but when has a person really passed that stage of life? CP. Never. Menopause isn't something that starts and IHKJIWIAIM AZORES I aTmTi mTl ki A f- i LsHE I tiBiE ej I luin OATHlTSfTOvVlEl CTlA aR OlBIA MOTE LTJs TIE AMIDE 5DC RToyVP IrIeeves pEgii. RlelN IsIneIUC affection for mate Is wise, right.

PISCES (Feb. 20 to Mar. 20) Making necessary improvements at home and being sure that appliances are in good working order are your best ways of proceeding now. Buy little thoughtful gifts for those who dwell wkith you. Show that you really care.

IF YOUR CHILD IS BORN TODAY he or she will be one of those young people with a peculiar charm all his or her own that will cause others to want to spoil your offspring, so teach early to stand on own two feet, otherwise the fine ability here will be lost. There can be much success in such fields as the moving picture industry, the arts, designing, the beauty field, etc. A great flair for precision and neatness. The social nature is very pronounced here, too. Pet Doctor By T.

M.Eagle D.V.M. My chihuahua gave birth to three puppies 10 weeks ago. Should she still have a discharge? A No, your dog should be examined and soon. After the birth of puppies nature attempts to flush out the uterus and prepares it for another litter. Each puppy is born in a separate membrane called the placenta.

By a marvelous arrangement this membrane becomes detached from the mother dog during birth with very slight hemorrhage. Normally the membrane is delivered with the puppy. By instinct the mother dog releases the puppy from the membrane for its first gasp of air. After the mother dog cleans the puppy, everybody is for himself to find the dinner table. Any condition which disrupts this chain of events must be corrected before another litter of puppies can be expected.

Skies over Port Huron By Longway Planetarium, Flint DATE: Tuesday, Sept. 26, 1972. SUNSET: 6:20 p.m. today. SUNRISE: 6:22 a.m.

Wednesday. AGE OF MOON: 18.5 days old. INTERESTING FACTS: Mercury and Venus are the true morning and evening "stars," because they stay near the Sun. Only just before sunrise and just after sunset, a few times a year, can Mercury can be seen. Venus is visible for longer periods, and sometimes in daylight.

PLANETARIUM SHOW: "ACROSS THE UNIVERSE" Saturday and Sunday noon to 5 p.m. with half-hour programs at 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30 and 4:30. By Roger Bofen IT IS SETTirt5 AEAROR. SO, I'LL 00 A SOOD PRICE OH ITJ pear in time, or become worse? F.J.B. Tendonitis (inflamed tendon) most usually results from excessive use, injury, gout, occasionally other causes.

At the elbow the tendon is near the surface, so injury is a probable cause. Usually the irritation subsidesparticularly if the related muscles are rested as much as possible. Trying to "work it off" is the wrong way; continued strain just prolongs the inflammation, just as a wound can't heal very well if the patient keeps picking off the scab before it is ready to come off. Heat (hot compresses or other forms of heat) is very helpful. Often injection of hydrocortisone gives prompt relief, but it still pays to rest the elbow until healing is complete.

Dr. Thosteson welcomes all reader mail, but regrets that, due to the tremendous volume received daily, he is unable to answer individual letters. Readers' questions are incorporated in his column whenever possibls. George C. Thostcsoii, CWjJ M.D.

-jf 4jk T70r J( I GENERAL TENDENCIES: Good for getting out of any indoor rut into which you have sunk and to see and be with those relatives, neighbors and other companions with whom you have congenial contact. Search out the information that can stand you in good stead, also. Fine for inventive and ingenious activities that bring mental advancement. ARIES (Mar. 21 to Apr.

19) Spending time with people you like and making new associates, friends as well can turn this into a very constructive day for you. Increase production at your place of business, too. Think along more progressive lines. TAURUS (Apr. 20 to May 20) Delve into the monetary side of life and begin by making a better budget for yourself that you can really follow.

Simplify your life in some way so that clutter does not waste your valuable time. Put some new idea to work right away. GEMINI (May 21 to June 21) See what you can do to add to present goodwill you enjoy with others in whatever avenue of your living, endeavors presents itself. Keep any professional appointment made. Be sure teeth are in top condition.

MOON CHILDREN (June 22 to July 21) Get into the quiet of your study and figure out how the future should go for you and handle the correspondence necessary to such ends. Get recommendations need from the right sources. Use your willpower. Don't be afraid of it. LEO (July 22 to Aug.

21) You can easily gain the aims you have in mind if you discuss them with good friends who think logically and cleverly. Enjoy the social side of life at the same time as well. Stop being so fearful of the future. VIRGO (Aug. 22 to Sept.

22) You can improve your image by handling that civic duty very intelligently and getting the approval of bigwigs, the public in general. Some fine talent you have can bring much advancement. Talk less, do more. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct.

22) Show wisdom and seize those fine opportunities that present themselves today for advancement in either business or social fields. Study further into that data before you get into that new outlet. Don't make any mistakes. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov.

21) You have many obligations to attend to so waste no time in so doing and they are behind you very quickly, satisfactorily. High efficiency is possible now. The evening can be ideal from the romantic standpoint. SAGITTARIUS' (Nov. 22 to Dec.

21) Instead of expecting abject obedience from others, you get better results by discussing what you want from them diplomatically now. Delving into that civic affair can bring bigger rewards, benefits than you had anticipated. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 20) You are capable of handling all that work ahead of you with real efficiency, so get right at it instead of going off on some tangent.

Find right articles of apparel at right price. Shop around early. AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) You can have a particularly fine day at the amusem*nts that most appeal to you provided you are with congenials.

Avoid arguments with uncertain personalities. A show of FUNNY BUSINESS sarins iti 40Uf? owir stops. It is a point in a woman's life when ovulation (and menstruation, as a result) ceases. Asking when menopause is "past" is like asking, after a person has reached adulthood, when "adulthood will be over." Reading my booklet, "Make Menopause Easier," will clear up your understanding of what menopause is, and how and why it comes about. Send 35 cents and a long self-addressed, stamped envelope for the booklet.

Send request to i me in care of The Times Herald. Dear Dr. Thosteson: It appears that I have tendonitis at the eldow. I can press the ligament at this joint and it is very sore. While it may cause no discomfort while the arm is relaxed, it is so hurtful in certain movements that I cannot use my arm in many capacities.

I am 68, no other infirmities, but this condition has crept up on me in the last couple of months. Is there a known cure or any relief? Will it disap PEANUTS 1 WELL, HERE I I k-r rv-u idiAii A 1 tint rUUOGVVM All the life HAS GONE AND TELL" WOULD VOU PRETENO I'M REALLY UNDER ARREST Jl5H0WAN)TLL7 AND 61555 WHAT I'VE 0ROU6HT TOPAi I HAVE THINGS IN HERE TO THRILL HSU ANP CHILL I HAVE TH1N65 IN HERETO FILL WITH FEAS, UlTHTERROR.UlTrt WQRmi I HAVE THINGS IN HERE THE BADGE GUYS Here is another Jannersten hand. South is in four spades and West has doubled the one spade opening bid and has opened a trump. South looks over dummy carefully. It looks as if West will hold all missing high cards and South is faced with the prospect of losing two hearts, a diamond and a club.

What feat of magic can make one of these losers disappear? Actually, no magic is necessary. Just a little bit of luck. South wins the trump and leads a low diamond toward dummy. West's best play is to hop up with his king. He does just that and leads a second trump.


with Major Hoople Neg Cochran COULDW'T VOU BE A LITTLE RUKJ-DOWW AIM'T Wi LESS SLOPPy YOU'RE WAST- BEIW AS SOOM r- 3 y7r, Jn WJI wl IM TM BRUSH. Dear Dr. Thosteson: I am 20, in good health and have one child. My first pregnancy was very easy. This time it is complicated by the presence of an IUD or "loop" in the uterus.

So far my doctor has warned me only that the danger of miscarriage is more pronounced in such a case. But two friends who have been nurses for many years have told me there is danger of perforation of the uterus, possibly resulting in the need for a hysterectomy or even death in some cases. I am also concerned about the danger of damage to the baby. Please discuss. S.P.

Your doctor dealt with you frankly. There is risk of a miscarriage, but that is not the same as saying that miscarriage always occurs. There are' plenty of healthy babies who were born with the "loop" being expelled at the same time without harm. I am somewhat disturbed at former nurses upsetting you with such gloomy stories. For one thing, such complications as perforation of the uterus or WELL, BOYS, THERE IT IS-1 LISTEN.


The Times Herald from Port Huron, Michigan (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.